not to risk

To contractual penalties or the loss of insurance protection, car-sharing-customers of the contents of the contract. What is often heard to the agreements:

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Who uses car-sharing a car, should exactly the small print of the provider. So many demand a total ban on alcohol at the wheel. And it’s not enough, the legal blood-alcohol limit of 0.5 to be observed.

other pitfalls, the Stiftung Warentest in its magazine “financial test” (issue 6/2019) reported. Accordingly, only the users of the wheel, and no Stranger was allowed in the rule. In both the above cases, drivers risk a penalty and the protection of the insurance.

The Hull is also in the case of gross negligence, in danger. Examples in addition to Pass away because of alcohol, drugs or cell phone use: a red light, kisses during the trip, barefoot or with Flip-Flops to the wheel drive. Whether these actions are then counted actually by gross negligence, depends always on the individual case.

But if, pays the hull insurance damage to the car-sharing vehicle only partly or not at all. For third-party damage, motor Vehicle liability insurance. Comprehensive insurance for private cars handle the same. But this car could find the owner of an insurance policy, the gross negligence includes, the magazine advises, therefore, to the cautious style of driving.