According to the latest crime and delinquency figures published by the Ministry of the Interior, many indicators are increasing between 2022 and 2023. Here are the 5 figures that are striking.

The first figures for crime and delinquency observed in France in 2023 were published by the Ministry of the Interior on January 31, 2024. Bad news for Gérald Darmanin, more than three years after his arrival at Place Beauvau, almost all of the indicators are up year-on-year.

First, “the study shows that the population is affected in various ways by acts of delinquency. In 2023, more than half of the victims of personal attacks are under the age of 39. Among the people accused of crimes elucidated, women are in the minority. Overall, the people involved are younger than average, foreigners represent 17% of the total” indicates the statistical service of the Ministry of the Interior. So, here are the 5 figures of delinquency that are striking.

Sexual violence increased by 8% between 2022 and 2023. This increase concerns rape and attempted rape more than other sexual assaults, including sexual harassment. The annual cumulative number of crimes and offenses recorded in 2023 reached 94,900 for sexual violence, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior.

The number of intentional assaults and injuries on people aged 15 or over has also skyrocketed in one year. There will be 383,100 crimes and misdemeanors in 2023, an increase of 7% compared to 2022. This indicator of delinquency is recorded by the police and the gendarmerie.

140%. This is the percentage increase in urban violence recorded during the summer of 2023 compared to the summer period of 2022. The number of deliberate destruction and damage has notably exploded in France. A particularly worrying indicator also concerns homicides. They increased by 5% between 2022 and 2023, including intentional assault and battery followed by death. The total is brought to 1,010 for the year 2023. In addition, the number of attempted homicides has increased considerably, 13% in one year.

Finally, we note relatively marked territorial developments in delinquency. First, the number of homicide victims per capita is higher overseas than in mainland France. Also, the results can be contrasted depending on the indicators. For example, “the drop in Paris in the number of violent unarmed robberies explains half of the national drop” indicates the Ministry of the Interior. On the other hand, the figures from two French territories are particularly striking. Homicides per 100,000 inhabitants literally exploded between 2022 and 2023 in Hauts-de-France (41.8%) and Normandy (42.4%), while the national average increase is 5.3%.

There are thus homicides (5%) which crossed the 1,000 mark last year, assault and battery (7%), sexual violence (8%), armed robberies (2%) and even burglaries (3%). The list is not exhaustive, the greatest increases concern rapes and attempted rapes (10%), intra-family violence (9%) and even scams (7%).