In Obergiesing is raped, a young woman from a well-Known multiple. For two hours, the woman tried to put up a fight. Only managed to escape her.

Munich – last Thursday, has been raped in the South of Munich according to the police, a young woman. The 27-Year-old had met the 49-year-old German, who is considered to be strongly suspect, already in the beginning of December. In the past week, it finally came to a further Meeting in the apartment of the man, both consumed some alcohol.

Obergiesing: man raped a defenseless woman to spend the night on several occasions

Because the young woman missed the last train, she decided, in the case of the 49-Year-old on the Couch. After she was asleep, she was abused by the man for sexual abuse. After the abuse the woman wanted to leave the apartment, however, was due to its strong alcohol will not be able to stand up or fight back. Then miss the man she needed again.

rape in Munich: martyrdom lasted two hours

Only after two hours, the escape from the apartment of the man came the woman. After the woman had gone to a medical treatment, alerted Years in the practice of the police on the condition of the 27 -. After describing the incidents, the officers were able to find the suspects still at his apartment and immediately arrested. He is currently in custody.

see also:

In Trudering, there was also an attempted rape. The woman was able to fight back, however. Previously the offender had been attacked by “accidentally” a man.

Also in upper Giesing, it came on last Saturday to a brawl in a U-Bahn line U2. Police are looking for witnesses to the incident.

Near the Hackerbrücke has beset a man on Sunday morning, an 18-Year-old hard. The woman was able to fight back, however, and in a S-Bahn to escape.
