One-off assistance automatically arrives on many bank accounts. No action needs to be taken.

Money coming in during the month is rare. Once the salary and/or allowances are received between the 1st and the 5th, it is difficult, if not impossible, to count on any provision in the weeks to come. But the bank accounts of many households will soon see a new payment appear. A small green line that will bring relief to these homes.

A little over two million people are recipients of this boost, which will be received automatically by eligible households: no action is required, the money will arrive on its own. However, you must meet certain criteria to be eligible for this assistance.

Thus, these are only the beneficiaries of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), the replacement retirement equivalent allowance (AER-R) or even the lump sum bonus for the resumption of employment. activity which will receive this exceptional check within a few days.

Like every year, this is the traditional Christmas bonus. Depending on the situation of the beneficiary, it is not the same organization that pays this aid. A person on RSA will receive the amount after a payment from the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) or the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA). In other situations (ASS, AER-R, flat-rate bonus), it is Pôle emploi which is responsible for distributing it.

The amount received by eligible people also varies depending on the situation. Thus, a person on RSA can claim a higher Christmas bonus than a person receiving ASS. In the first case, the CAF takes into account the marital status of the person and the number of children in the household, while Pôle emploi only grants a single package, regardless of the composition of the household. The minimum amount paid is €152.45, but the bonuses granted to people with RSA allow them to receive, for example, €320.14 if they live as a couple with two children.

While these people are already living with significant financial difficulties, the payment of the bonus cannot be delayed: the CAF, the MSA and Pôle emploi will pay it on Friday December 15, 2023. There are therefore only a few days left to to wait for. Enough to finalize some purchases in preparation for Christmas. Others will inherit it later: in mid-January, the Christmas bonus will be paid to new RSA beneficiaries, registered between December 1 and 31, 2023.