Massive FFF hack affects 1.5 million people.

Hacking has continued to increase for several weeks and this time, it is the French Football Federation which is affected by a massive data hacking according to information from BFM TV this Tuesday March 26. “On March 22, 2024, the federation learned that potentially 1.5 million of its licensees’ data had been fraudulently collected,” the prosecution told the media.

In detail, the personal data concerned are the surname, first name, as well as the postal address, email address, age and club of the football players. The data of professional players is not affected. “Only data relating to license requests for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 seasons are likely to be affected. Passwords, bank details, medical data and identity photographs are, however, not affected (… ) As provided in particular by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the FFF will individually inform all people affected by this personal data violation. The FFF also filed a complaint and reported the incident to the CNIL explains the Cybermalveillance site in a press release cited by BFM TV.