In Moosach, it came to a curious accident. There a car was on its roof. In the meantime, the police know how the accident occurred and who is the driver.

Update: from this wreck of a man, almost unharmed can get off, is a Christmas miracle! The roof of the red VW Jetta older models is pushed in, the car has only scrap value. In addition, bent metal parts. They belonged to the wall cladding of a Parking garage, the Emmy-Noether-Strasse in Moosach. There, the driver of the VW has broken in the night on Christmas eve, the wall of the Parking garage and fell several meters in depth.

The rescue workers, and a spectacular image. Employees of the adjacent municipal utilities Headquarters had discovered the accident car and the emergency call is selected. The completely destroyed VW was on the roof. In the Park house wall, there’s a complete Element was missing in the second floor in about six meters in height. Parts of it were scattered around the car, the road was littered with shards of glass.

The Jetta even flew over a parked truck

Only after it became clear that a car had broken through the wall of a Parking garage and then from a considerable height in the depth was overthrown. The speed of the Jetta was so high that the car flew in a fall from the Parking deck at the Park house and parked the truck.

+ of The VW Jetta broke through first, the car Park wall and plunged about six meters in depth. The speed was so great that the car flew over the car on a car Park parked load. The driver was uninjured.©Munich municipal fire Department

was missing from the driver of the car initially each track. Clues as to where the could be located with a high probability of seriously injured accident victims were not available. Also a Scan in hospitals, and surveys of local residents, brought no success. The forces of the fire brigade put the car back on its wheels. A tow truck transported the wreck. The hole in the wall was Betkanyon temporarily closed.

a Few hours later – the police had made in the meantime, the holder of the VW Jetta – could be resolved, the matter finally. The accident the driver, according to police, a 50-year-old Munich. The fateful journey he took, apparently, in a mental state of exception. He is now receiving medical treatment.

initial notification by the 24. December: Mysterious Fund: the car is on the roof – where is the driver?

Munich – When a press release is titled with the words “Curious accident”, then a strange history behind it is usually really. This is what happened in a message, the Munich fire brigade, and so much we can say: The thing sounds really mysterious.

such As the fire brigade reports, had the employees of the Stadtwerke München discovered in the night of Christmas eve in the Emmy-Noether-Straße a destroyed VW. But my car didn’t stand around on its four wheels – no, he was on his roof. From The Driver? Not A Trace!

accident in Moosach: VW broke through the outside wall of Park house

A view to the above was the use of forces at least have an idea where the car came from. The car had broken, according to the fire Department in a Parking garage the exterior wall on the second floor, flew over a parked Truck, and then on the opposite side of the street on the roof remained.

The fire was the completely destroyed car back on its wheels, a towing service picked him up. The forces secured the area of the missing wall at the Park house.

However, some puzzles remain: How, exactly, it came to the accident? Someone was still sitting at the controls when the accident happened? And where is the driver located? The fire Department was able to make on Monday morning, still no information.

On the vehicle was a total loss.

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