the minced meat that is not consumed immediately, freeze a lot. You should note one thing so that the meat remains fit for human consumption.

Who wants to freeze minced meat, which should also adhere to the exact process – from the supermarket to the freezer. We will tell you what to look out for.

to the Fact you need to buy when Freezing minced meat, pay attention

Who minced meat in the supermarket and freezing it at home, like it should be, in any case, on only one thing: you never break the cold chain . As a result, the meat can be infested with bacteria and, therefore, it is no longer edible. In the worst case, these bacteria can lead to diarrhea and stomach upsets. Take with you to the supermarket so a cooler bag, the next Time you minced meat shopping .

packaging , so you can:

1. Make sure that the ground meat in a maximum of 250-grams-servings divide . If you freeze too large quantities of minced meat in one piece, and after thawing, do not use, you should not freeze it again and have to throw away the leftover meat.

2. You grab the 250-gram Serving of the minced meat in a freezer bag .

3. Press the pre-Packed minced meat in the freezer bag flat .

read : this is why minced meat is gray – and so you have to test whether it is still edible.

4. Make sure that you press the freezer bag after the flat sealing packing . The point is this: The flatter, the better, because this allows you to seal the meat so air-tight as possible. This in turn ensures that the minced meat is then quicker to defrost.

5. Write on the outside of the freezer bag as a precaution, the date of freezing . So you don’t get confused, especially if you are freezing often, food.

6. You freeze the ground meat at minus 18 degrees a .

interesting : How long meat lasts in the freezer?


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