The popular Messenger service WhatsApp has been discovered a security vulnerability. Billions of Smartphone users are affected. An Update to the phone is needed now.

Munich – When popular Messenger service WhatsApp is a huge vulnerability was found, by the billions of users are affected. Due to a bug in an older Version of the App, hackers could manipulate with only a video call, the Smartphone, reports the Focus. Both Android as well as iOS users are affected. An Update for the vulnerability in the WhatsApp has been released a long time ago. Users are prompted to update the App immediately.

security gap in WhatsApp: mobile phone users now pay attention

The security vulnerability is, according to in the memory management of the Video-Conferencings. A prepared RTP packet, this mess can be brought, so that the attacker can inject own code and the Smartphone spying Software can manipulate. It was discovered the error by Natali Silvanovich from Project Zero.

WhatsApp: The can Smartphone owners now make up

The current Version of the App, which closes the security gap that was already on the 28. September, published. For iOS users this is the Version 2.18.93 , Android users Version 2.18.302 or 2.28.306 Play Google Store . WhatsApp users should be careful when upgrading, only Updates from official App Stores to download.

how to find out which Version of WhatsApp installed on your Android Phone:

Open WhatsApp, Click options (“Three-points”) and then Click “settings” and “help” Finally, go to “App Info”. There is the latest WhatsApp Version

how to find out which Version of WhatsApp installed on your iPhone:

Open WhatsApp, Click in the bottom bar to “settings” Then go to “help” In the top of the screen will now display the latest Version of Whatsapp

on The Google Play Store is currently available to some extent outdated WhatsApp Version 2.18.293. Users who cannot install the new Update that closes the security hole, and should, therefore, adopt for the safety, the use of video calls from Unknown via the App.

radical new feature of WhatsApp confirmed – what does this mean for privacy?

Currently, there are more news from WhatsApp: Around 1.3 billion people use the Messenger service WhatsApp in the world. Soon annoying interruptions threaten to the users.

Great Whatsapp-restrictions on older iPhones

owners of older iPhones will need to adjust to see which restrictions on the use of Whatsapp. To install the latest Version of the Messenger service, as well as Updates on some iOS devices.

consumer advocates complain about privacy shortcomings in social media

users of the most popular social networks to understand in spite of the new data protection regulation (DSGVO) how your data will be processed. This is the conclusion of consumer advocates, the consumer advice centre NRW in on Monday in Berlin published the study. They criticise the fact that privacy-related preferences are not always privacy-friendly, although the DSGVO RUB the binding requirement.

the data fault protectors that Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn require users to transfer the contacts on the Smartphone to the provider. The presets are not on a consistent basis privacy-friendly. WhatsApp can not be used without a contact synchronization at all. Only Pinterest and YouTube do not require the user to have the contacts to match.

Frankfurt : the son receives a strange WhatsApp of missing mother – when he finds you, it will be to late, as* reported.
