WhatsApp admitted to being the victim of a Hacker attack. Allegedly, the security gap has been closed. We show what need to take note of users.

Munich – A security vulnerability in the Messenger service WhatsApp has allowed the Israeli hackers to install without the Knowledge of the users of Spyware to devices. The company have revealed the gap itself, such as the Financial Times (article behind paywall) reported.

Therefore, supposedly, prominent Accounts of the people had been right organization Amnesty International attacked. How many of the approximately 1.5 billion Users could be affected by a possible attack, there was no WhatsApp.

WhatsApp closing the security gap

For Whatsapp users is: be sure to immediately install the latest Update! This closes the gap, according to the company.

Supposedly, it was the hackers, the Israeli security company NSO. A weak point in the voice call was used by Criminals to install a spy Software on the devices. This should even have been possible if calls were not accepted. The hackers are blurred supposedly even often their tracks and removed the calls from the call list. NSO denied, according to the report, a involvement in the attack.

Whatsapp: security flaw – last-in Video-Call

WhatsApp was the security hole is said to have been already known. Concerned individuals and organisations have informed the Facebook subsidiary, while a security-have worked with Team around the clock to find a solution. Last Friday an Update has been provided, the lock to the security hole, according to the report.

just a few months ago, a similar Hack had a WhatsApp vulnerability exploited. With manipulated Video-Call could even be the entire device.

With millions of users WhatsApp the most popular Messenger services. Now the company has announced a drastic cut. It even takes in purchase to lose some Users.

your fingerprint, many now use to Unlock their Smartphones – and many make a serious mistake.