After an Aldi-bought customer at the discount stores two frozen Baguettes, he experienced at home in for a nasty Surprise. The Anger of the customers are not able to appreciate some of the Facebook Users, however.

Munich – These frozen products were anything other than fresh as a Daisy: the Aldi customer, Chris T. bought on Saturday two Baguettes from the frozen counter of the discounter and she just wanted to eat a day later, he experienced a nasty Surprise: two Baguettes mold stains were to be seen. The date of minimum durability was not exceeded for a long time.

On the Facebook page of the discounter Chris T. made his Trouble with two angry Postings air. “Seriously, Aldi… this is a baseless impertinence”, he complained in one of the two posts about the moldy Baguettes.

Other Facebook users show little understanding

other Facebook users Chris T. met with his Posts, however, little understanding. “You see something? It not impudence, because it has no one “made”. Also it could see no one,“ writes a Facebook User. “To call it a bottomless impudence is not a correct word choice,” reads another comment.

While in some comments, more or less friendly, it is explained that the mold stains can be caused by so-called “air puller”, write to other Facebook users biting comments about it, that Aldi staff have no x-ray vision.

An Aldi employee may want to forward the incident to clarify more

A Facebook user Chris T., the loaves of bread simply advises to exchange. This recommendation also gives him an employee of the press-Teams from Aldi. You may want to forward the incident, in addition to the supplier for clarification.

But that’s not the only gross-out Fund in the Aldi freezer shelf. Recently, a customer discovered animal Remains in a frozen spinach to the discounter.

Facebook made recently, also other discounters for excitement. With a controversial advertising Lidl in the social network, no friends.

also read: crazy! “Russians-Aldi” Mers need after only a week of re-sealing