More and more retailers of their products on Instagram – experts believe that the App is advertising-the conventional duration of shipment to replace.

Menlo Park/Cologne – The pictures-the power of Instagram has around the world loyal Fans. It also includes photos of things that can be purchased are represented, of course: companies set up for advertising purposes, Instagram Profiles, and place products in front of the camera. There you can provide the goods with a price Tag and a Link to a Shopping opportunity. Since a few months, the Stories in the popular Instagram -. And the User click this “Shoppable Posts”! According to Instagram, there are monthly 90 million users.

Technik-Journalist: “Instagram is now the, what used to be Teleshopping”

which raises the question: Is Instagram a sort of infomercial? Dan Seifert, editor at the US-Tech Blog “The Verge”, tweeted at least recently: “Instagram is for Millennials today, what was for the earlier generations of the Teleshopping channel QVC.”

Instagram self-respondents, 2018 Users in the US, according to your Shopping habits. The result: 42 percent said that they go “passionate” shopping, and it as a Hobby. In addition, more than 400 million users around the world daily Instagram Stories to watch – and a third of the most acclaimed Stories are from companies.

Instagram : So far Influencer Bibi Heinicke for more clicks

Instagram quotes the Manager of a Beauty item manufacturer with the statement that they have won more than 40 percent of the additional Traffic from Instagram to your Online Shop, since there are the Shopping function.

Instagrammer: “order by DM”

An expert in the Digital Marketing platform “OMR” (Hamburg) is the “Insta is the new Shopping-TV”-These are followed up, and comes to the conclusion, that there could be something to it: He observed, more and more companies build their business on Instagram and to handle even large Parts of the App.

in addition, the author found many Instagrammers that offer their goods without a middle ground there, with the note “order via Direct Message”. Most frequently, the small supplier of personalized gifts, including, above all things bracelets. Among the 25 strongest growth in non-private Instagram account alone six Shops, he reports, citing Figures from “InfluencerDB”. What could raise the next question: when did Instagram a payment function?
