Just young people are using Instagram to digital exchange. Unfortunately, bullying is often on the agenda. With a new feature of the platform provider wants to now take action.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Offensive posts are in social networks on the agenda. To protect especially younger users, want to Instagram to evaluate therefore, in the future, the contents of Posts automatically.

in addition, the platform is designed to sound an Alarm if it attacks is ugliness, insults, or bullying, as the Facebook-telling daughter. The author sees the question, “Are you sure you want the item?” and you can drag by clicking on an “Undo”lettering Written back.

when exactly is the new function for users in Germany will be introduced, informed Instagram first. In a further step, the social network wants to experiment with a new feature called Restrict. Thus, the visibility of comments from other users, the limit may be a bother, in General, visibility and only aimed for the eyes of a third party release, if you are in order to be.

users whose comments you have restricted, should also can not see when it is in the case Instagram active, or direct messages you have read.

Instagram message