A high average value of customer reviews does not automatically mean that Online buyers are protected in any case of fraud. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the reviews in detail.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – The Online marketplaces, consumers should not rely solely on a good review section, but the reviews sure also to cross-read. After all, there is the seller, the build with cheap items, a supposedly good reputation.

With selected expensive products the dealer will try to cheat, then the buyer, according to the magazine “Technology Review”. Instead of a new smartphone is then, for example, sent just a used. The buyer who complains of the sale under flimsy justifications will be cancelled and refund processed. In case of doubt, a few dozen negative reviews can be more informative than hundreds or even thousands of positive. A warning signal are, according Marsbahis to the experts but also a large number of neutral reviews.
