A car driver is taken close to Frankfurt and suddenly this Horror – the damage is immense.

Frankfurt – A 21-year-old Autofaher pour experienced on Saturday (8. December) Terrible. He was with his car on the highway 5 between Butzbach and Bad Nauheim near Frankfurt on the road, when suddenly a huge part in his Nissan crashed . Butzbach is situated around 45 kilometers North of Frankfurt am Main. Between Butzbach and Bad Nauheim 12 kilometers. extratipp.com* reported about it.

+ According to Google Maps, about 17 minutes between Bad Nauheim and Butzbach. ©Google Maps

Frankfurt: The Nissan driver could not Dodge

As the police headquarters Central Hesse said in a message that was taken the 21-year-old Nissan driver last Saturday, at 19.30, on the highway 5 in the vicinity of Frankfurt-propelled by a large part. the The part broke away from another vehicle and flew through the air. The Nissan driver made pour didn’t have a Chance. He failed to Dodge the flying part in a timely manner. It damaged his Kingbetting Nissan hard. The driver was not injured fortunately.

Frankfurt: But what is flying through the air?

the part it was a broken BMW convertible roof. The roof, the need to belong to a grey BMW, was at the Nissan an immense amount of damage of around 10,000 euros. The driver of the gray BMW may not have noticed the Fly off of the roof.

+ pretty: The convertible roof, crashed with full force on the Nissan of the 21-Year-old. ©Police headquarters Central Hesse

in Spite of everything, he just drove and took care of the weggeflogene roof of his car near Frankfurt. The highway police of Central Hessen are asking for any information on the gray BMW with no roof at the phone number 06033-7043-5010. Just for the readers to discuss about this message: note on the BMW 5-series – owner falls over almost dead by the time he reads it as extratipp.com* reported.

*extratipp.com is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.