True to the Motto “The Smarter one gives in to” called the green mayor Boris Palmer of his party to settle the eternal quarrels with the AfD.

Tübingen – Tübingen’s green mayor Boris Palmer has called on his party, the AfD-voters approach. “The lack of communication between the AfD and the Green is perhaps the biggest political Problem in our country this year,” Palmer said the “Bild am Sonntag”. “We as a party with the state, political responsibility would have to overcome and an inclusive approach, trying to see in the AfD-voters first of all the Democrats and not the Nazi.”

the AfD, he hoped for nothing, said Palmer. These have “an interest in ensuring that this division goes on and on, so she wins her voters”.

Palmer warns strongly against, to shear all of the AfD-voters on a comb

Slogans like “Nazis out” rated Palmer skeptical. They were only in the fight against real Nazis helpful. “You can’t call 15 percent of Baden-württemberg and 25 per cent of the Saxons as the Nazis, because they are on AfD. In order to convert anyone,” warned the Green politician.

of His own party accused Palmer of “BamS” to ignore certain problems, for ideological reasons. “My party has an idealistic Excess,” he said. You don’t tend to see “problems then, if you run out of groups as disadvantaged or are in need”.

The Green would be well advised to “recognise that there is, for example, with refugees, or the issue of inclusion in the municipalities of problems,” said Palmer. Anyway applies to all the parties to the Council, “to listen more to what their local politicians as a Problem in practice”.

Also interesting: protests and tough choice of Candidates for AfD-Europe meeting