In the case of the eBay classifieds and other sites, there are always scammers. The police warns of a Trick that meets buyers unexpectedly.

Munich – The police of Saxony warned already some time ago, via Facebook of a new fraud-mesh on “flea market sites”, such as, for example, eBay classifieds, like many users, to the victims – and which can cost the Victim money. The fraudsters sell Goods that do not exist, and the buyer will be left after your payment with empty hands.

a function of the payment service PayPal also prevents that the victims can get their money back.

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eBay classifieds and co.: So the Criminals go before

But how does the mesh work? PayPal offers two different variants to send the money to. The Option “friends and family” and the Option “Goods and services”. The first possibility is – as the Name suggests – to send money to friends and Acquaintances. PayPal charged in this case, there is no fee for Sending of the amounts and the transactions are performed almost immediately. The catch? In the case of the Option “friends and family” offers the payment service provider does not provide buyer protection.

This and the related security for payments on the Internet, there is only the Option “Goods and services”. For the seller, it will not get the full amount (fees: 1,9% + 0,35 Euro), the buyer remains to be on the safe sahabet side.

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On eBay have been waiting for classifieds, or similar platforms, scammers are on the go, which take advantage of this feature of PayPal. You don’t ask the buyer to pay over the insecure “friends and family”Option, then deliver the purchased goods and retain the payment.

Often a shopper with something like that, because the provider acts so nice and serious and you would like to save him the fees. From such a reason, many users already have the “friends and family”Option used – to the scammers-Trick could potentially fall each.

In one of the police listed the case of a user on the Internet, bought a phone for 40 Euro and have the money sent via those unsafe Option via PayPal. The seller had no goods, and was not to reach. The money was thus lost.

This Scam on eBay-classifieds you can. prevent

thus, in Order to when shopping on the Internet on the safe side, you should use classifieds in the case of purchases on eBay and co. via PayPal, always select the Option “Goods and services”, in order to obtain additional safety The seller not sent the goods then the buyer protection of PayPal, and the customer receives his money.

there Should be a seller on the payment via “friends and family”, it is to be assumed that it holds a serious offer and exercise caution. The police also advises: “trust Your instinct”.


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