For more data protection: Google’s Chrome Browser now makes attention to the fact, if you type in an Online application hacked user name and passwords. For the function of an extension is, however, necessary.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – the Use of chopped and therefore insecure passwords to log in to Online services can be warn from now on the Chrome Browser. Prerequisite is the Installation of the extension “Password Checkup”, which has been published by Google.

it Is installed, a warning message is displayed if you enter a login user name and passwords were published to a data theft or leak on the Internet and the Checkup service. The matching between the user input and Google database is to be made in real-time and fully encrypted.

Already since the end of 2018, the Firefox Browser, when surfing to a page that has been hacked or there was a data leak. Below the address bar in a notification, which informs for example about the timing and the extent of the attack or of the leaks. The Installation of an extension is not necessary. Unlike the Checkup service for Chrome, the user must check his / her access data, but then again: it is placed close to a query in the Firefox-service Monitor, if he has a user account on the hacked site.

Monitor uses a database of Australian security researcher Troy Hunt, “Have I been pwned?” (: Has it caught me?) a similar service offering.

Chrome-extension Password Checkup

Support information to Checkup

Checkup on the Google-Blog

blog entry on the Integration of Firefox Monitor in the Browser

query page Firefox Monitor