In Germany, runs a Church, strike: “hundreds of groups” stay away from the houses of God – the protesters also, but not only to cases of abuse.

Update from the 12. May 2019: Many of the faithful Germans this week the churches: The nationwide movement for more rights for women in the Catholic Church meets, according to the initiators with great response. “Our action ‘Maria 2.0’ has become the absolute self-runners”, said co-initiator Lisa Koetter on Saturday in Münster. How many people participate in the week-long Church strike, is difficult to assess. It would, however, hundreds of groups, on the part of all the Church communities, including Berlin, Hamburg, and Freiburg, with the movement solidarity, said Koetter.

+ bread and flowers lie on a table during a Church service in Münster under the open sky.©dpa / Friso Gentsch

The strike involved the faithful, according to Kötter women and men, want to be in the next few days against power structures in the Church and the cover-up of sexual abuse by officials in protest. In an Online Petition to Pope Francis, they are demanding access to all Offices of the Church and the abolition of mandatory celibacy for Catholic priests.

In its founding city of Münster, launched the Initiative on Saturday evening, dozens of women gathered there to worship in the open. Nationwide, up 18. May actions planned. Trailer of “Maria 2.0” want to enter in this time, no churches, their volunteer Offices let it rest and Church services without a priest aware of Outdoor celebrations.

Update from 10. May 2019: read the comment of*journalist Claudia Möller for the new obligation to report sexual abuse.

Pope introduces the obligation to report sexual abuse for clergy – Minister of justice, Barley skeptical

Update from the 9. May 2019, 13: 40 a.m.: Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) provides for the introduction of the internal reporting requirement for cases of abuse in the Catholic Church, skeptical. “The sexual abuse of children is to be judged by the criminal courts,” said Barley in Berlin on Thursday. “The terrible acts of Abuse are not an internal matter of the Catholic Church.”

Barley called on the Church, “any Offense” display, so that the state could identify and Prosecutor’s offices. In the case of any reference to sexual abuse immediately had to be made “” a criminal complaint. Otherwise, remained the “walls of silence”, which would have hidden the abuse for so long and obfuscated. The decades of “Denial and Cover-up” have received the old hierarchies.

SPD-Minister emphasized, “only the comprehensive information of all the not-yet-time-barred acts” by prosecutors and the courts could change that. “Our code of criminal procedure, no secret archives.”

first message from may 9. May: Pope leads obligation to report sexual abuse for clergy

+ Pope Francis in the North of Macedonia.©Reuters / Alessandra Tarantino

Rome – In the fight against sexual abuse in the Catholic Church has issued Pope Francis on Thursday there is a mandatory reporting requirement for clergy. Priests and other members of the clergy must report, therefore, every suspected case, and any attempted cover-up of sexual abuse in the Church, as a decree of the Pope. All of the dioceses in the world must also set up until June 2020 in a publicly-accessible reporting system for Ads.

Pope’s decree: “ye are the light of the world”

The decree of the Pope, under the title “you are the light of the world” requires, among other things, that all clerics and religious, “immediately” any information relating to abuse, which you know, the competent ecclesiastical authority must log on. If there is to Try when dealing with abuse cases, to cover up the fact, or to cover the perpetrators, must also be reported.

How the reporting systems of the dioceses should exactly look like the Pope in his “Motu Proprio” Letter. In addition, the local churches are to decide “according to the different cultures and local circumstances”.

Church: decree outcome of the crisis summit is shaken for sexual abuse

The Catholic Church for years of abuse scandals. At the end of March, the Pope had already adopted a comprehensive law for the Vatican. It is already required to provide each employee of the Vatican city state and of the Church administration, of the learns of a case of abuse to report these immediately. The new rules will apply to the whole of the Catholic Church.

For an international crisis summit at the Vatican, the Pope had called in February a “concrete and effective measures” of the Catholic Church against child sexual abuse. The adopted decree is a result of the summit.

Ex-Pope Benedict has expressed to the sexual abuse in the Catholic Church’s controversial theses. He lays the blame at the 68-Generation.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.