Ikea has planned to experiment with a new way of consuming by offering furniture rental. A novelty that aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the Swedish brand.

Have you ever thought about renting your furniture instead of buying it? This is what will soon be possible in Switzerland where Ikea plans to experiment with furniture rental in order to offer a new way of consuming. Concretely, Ikea will present a rental system for a fixed period and the customer can, at the end of this period, choose either to return the furniture or to change it to other models. The idea is thus to extend the life cycle of the furniture because it will then be reconditioned and then resold. This experience is part of a series of ecological initiatives planned by the brand, such as the sale of spare parts, in order to reduce its carbon footprint.

The service should first start with the rental of office furniture dedicated to professionals but could quickly extend to kitchens, the CEO of Ikea Torbjorn Loof explaining that it would then be a way to be able to finance his kitchen more easily. To make this possible, the brand is already working on its catalog with kitchen models that can be modified without changing the basic structure. It will then be easy to modernize your kitchen at a lower cost over time. Pending the results of this experiment and perhaps the arrival in France of Ikea furniture rental, the Swedish brand will open its first Ikea store in Paris on May 6.