Hospitalized for control tests in connection with his heart operation in 2020, Michel Drucker gave his news Thursday, February 9 at Midi Libre. He could soon return to his home.

Michael Drucker is fine. In any case, in essence, the message he wanted to convey this Thursday, February 9. In an interview with Midi Libre, the star presenter of “Vivement dimanche” said: “I have a warrior’s mind!” The day before, Le Parisien had revealed the hospitalization of Michel Drucker, immediately arousing the concern of his fans. However, the host wanted to be reassuring. He even believes he can return home “in a few days”, reports the regional daily.

According to the revelations of Le Parisien on Wednesday, this stay in Michel Drucker’s hospital would be linked to several medical tests following the heart operation he underwent in 2020. His relatives have also been optimistic in recent hours. “He is doing very well,” said Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez, director of antennas and programs for France Télévisions, who was aware of Michel Drucker’s withdrawal for health reasons. “We agreed with Michel that he take the time to rest after his exams. I talk to him every day,” he told Le Parisien. For its part, the program “Vivement dimanche” will have two to three weeks of rebroadcast over the next few weekends, while the host recovers.

A collaborator of Michel Drucker confirms with AFP: the host is doing well. “Mr. Drucker is doing very well. He is currently undergoing a medical check-up following his heart operation. He should resume recordings [of Vivement Dimanche] within a fortnight and will be back on stage with his show in mid-March.” Reassuring news therefore, which does not invite at all to worry.

Michel Drucker was hospitalized for three months in 2020. The host of “Vivement dimanche” suffered from severe heart problems and had to be operated on. He was notably the victim of an infective endocarditis and a triple bypass. This last operation had lasted 8 hours and required that he be placed in the resuscitation and intensive care units.

In an interview with Parisian on November 30, 2020, the host gave more details about the ordeal he had suffered: “My heart was stopped for a few hours and connected to a machine. There, I realized come close to disaster.” Subsequently, Michel Drucker was again operated on because of the beginning of an infection in his scar. Several months of rehabilitation followed, before the host returned to the screen in March 2021.

A true figure of the French Audiovisual Landscape, Michel Drucker is also one of the oldest. Now 80, the animator began his career in 1964 as an intern at the ORTF. While France Télévisions has many times been subject to shocks of youthism in recent years, Michel Drucker has always escaped it. It must be said that his appointment Vivement Dimanche, although he changed channels to settle on France 3, has been on Sunday afternoons since 1998.

No hint of retirement in sight for the octogenarian presenter. In the Media Info program in June 2022, Drucker further explained that “passion does not tire” and especially that being “80 years old today is not that old.” And to remember that some eminent members of show business older than were then still active. “Lelouch is 83 and making his 50th film. Hugues Aufray, 94, still sings and Line Renaud, 94, still shoots,” he said on France Info. A beautiful demonstration, if one were needed, that the host of Vivement Dimanche does not particularly want to hang up the microphone and abandon his red sofa.

The hospitalization of Michel Drucker impacts in any case the broadcast of “Vivement dimanche”. Le Parisien tells us this Wednesday, February 8, 2023 that the France 3 program switches to rebroadcast from this Sunday, February 12, 2023. This should continue for the “next two to three weeks”, specifies the regional daily.

In addition, the autobiographical show “From you to me”, which he played alone on stage, is also temporarily suspended.