Before the big day of mobilization on May 1, some sectors plan to mobilize on Friday April 28, 2023. But in what propensity?
All eyes are on the big day of demonstration organized on Monday, May 1, 2023. At the call of the inter-union, many French people will mobilize to reiterate, once again, their opposition to the pension reform. But until then, some sectors do not intend to wait idly. On the SNCF side, the CGT had let it be known on April 15 that it was calling for two new days of mobilization on April 20 and 28. The Health and Social Action branch of the CGT also filed strike notices on April 20 for several days, from April 28 to May 4, 2023. What about National Education? We take stock of the few information already communicated at this stage.
In its press release of April 15, the CGT called on “workers to continue the mobilization in all its peaceful forms, in particular with the highlights decided by the territories and professions on April 20 and 28”. While few disturbances marred the first of the two days announced on the side of the SNCF, more or less normal traffic is expected on the French rail, with perhaps however some more marked disturbances locally. On April 20, traffic was, for example, almost normal on TGVs and on the international travel side, however, disruptions had been recorded on certain lines of TER, Intercités and, in the Paris region, Transilien and RER. Whatever we have all the same remained far from the dark days experienced at the start of the mobilization against the pension reform.
Can we fear a startle? If no one knows what tomorrow is made of, however, it seems unlikely that we are talking about a black day on Friday April 28, 2023. One thing is certain, as during each SNCF strike, the railway company will reveal the forecasts and expected disruptions in outline 48 hours before D-Day, Wednesday, and will give more details at 5 p.m. the day before, Thursday evening.
At the beginning of April, Ouest-France reported that the main union of interns in medicine, namely the Insi, called to mobilize on April 28, 2023. However, the pension reform is not in question. If interns are mobilizing on Friday, it will be above all to denounce their working conditions in hospitals, but also to demand salary increases.
It should also be noted that on April 20, the Health and Social Action branch of the CGT filed several strike notices for the days stretching from April 28 to May 4, 2023. The “agents, employees, students, retirees. e.s from the public and private sectors, and actors from the health, social and medico-social sector” are invited to mobilize against “the deterioration of our health system”, for “the revaluation of wages”, for “the reduction of the precarious employment”, for the reinforcement of the teams, for “the stop of all the closings of beds, services, establishments and hospitals” and other demands among which we find “the right to retirement at age 60 for all at full rate and recognition of hardship resulting in early retirement at age 55”.
Classes, even closed establishments, teachers mobilized like never before in the streets of France… The scenario seems unlikely, here again, with regard to the day of mobilization against the pension reform Friday, April 28, 2023. First, and not least, two areas will always be on vacation. While students and teachers in zone A (Besançon, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Grenoble, Limoges, Lyon and Poitiers) returned to school on Monday, zone B (Aix-Marseille, Amiens, Caen, Lille, Nancy-Metz, Nantes, Nice, Orléans-Tours, Reims, Rennes, Rouen and Strasbourg) and zone C (Paris, Créteil, Versailles, Montpellier and Toulouse) are still on leave. Under these conditions, it is difficult for potential teachers and staff of schools, colleges and high schools who wish to mobilize to weigh. It should also be noted that in general, in the past, it has already been observed that during school holidays, mobilization against the pension reform was less important, regardless of the sector. Evidenced by the mobilization figures during the holidays last February.