In addition to his multitude of functions since he became king of the United Kingdom, Charles III is a member… of a magic club. And for 50 years!

For 74 years, it has been known to everyone, all over the world. Seven decades during which his life has been followed with attention, between his youth, his idyll with Lady Di, the birth of their children, his relationship with Camilla and, now, his accession to the British throne. The daily life of Charles III is peeled from every angle. However, there remains an anecdote (at least) almost unknown to the general public. Britain’s most powerful man is indeed a member of a circle… of magic! And it’s not new since the heir to the crown has had his membership card for almost 50 years.

Charles III is a member of the Magic Circle in London. He returned there in 1975, specifies the organization’s website, after having performed a “Cups and balls trick”, this trick where a person must find a ball under one of the three cups after they have been changed quickly. and several times up. A game often present near tourist sites. In the audience was present Daniel Kudennec, a septuagenarian magician living in Finistère and recognized worldwide by the profession for having invented more than 180 tricks. “He must have been in his twenties. I was at the back of the theater. We weren’t allowed to approach him. One of my friends had coached him to present the trick,” he said in the columns. of West France. It was precisely 1975. Robert de Pass, then a lieutenant in the British army, had been in charge of training the prince since he had been the first witness of the trick performed by a street magician in Cairo, Egypt, during a a military mission carried out in the country in 1942.

The story does not say whether King Charles diversified his tricks over the years. But he had affirmed in front of those present, the day of his enthronement, that “one of the great secrets of magic, I am told, is to speak as much as possible, in order to divert attention.” It remains to be seen whether he will perform miracles on the throne.