
Television presenter Annabel Croft recently shared the heartbreaking story of her husband Mel Coleman’s passing. Mel passed away at the age of 60, just 16 weeks after being diagnosed with colon cancer that had already spread throughout his body. Annabel described how doctors informed them that there was no hope for his survival, leading them to explore alternative treatments such as daily visits to an oxygen chamber and a strict diet.

Despite their efforts, Mel’s condition continued to deteriorate, and the couple decided to take a trip to Portugal for some relaxation. Unfortunately, Mel’s health took a turn for the worse during the trip, and he passed away three weeks later. Annabel believes that the stress of the flight may have contributed to his declining health, ultimately leading to his death.

One of the most heartbreaking moments for Annabel was a comment that Mel made on his deathbed. As he drifted in and out of consciousness, he began giving instructions about tasks he wanted to be done, such as changing the tire on the van, and expressed regret about not being able to be there for his children’s weddings. This memory continues to haunt Annabel and serves as a painful reminder of her loss.

Since Mel’s passing, Annabel has struggled with the grief of his absence. She and her children still set a place for him at the dinner table, and she finds it incredibly difficult to adjust to life without him. Despite the pain of her loss, Annabel has found solace in staying busy, which led her to participate in Strictly Come Dancing last year. The distraction of the show provided her with some relief from her grief and allowed her to focus on something positive.

Annabel acknowledges that she is still deeply connected to Mel through his belongings that remain in their home. While she is not yet ready to part with his things, she knows that she will eventually have to face that task when the time comes to sell their property. In the meantime, she is focusing on living for her children and taking each day as it comes.

Annabel fondly remembers her life with Mel, describing him as the best husband and acknowledging that she is uncertain about what the future holds for her. As she navigates the complexities of grief and loss, she is grateful for the support of her family and the memories she shared with Mel during their time together.