The American organist Kali Malone was to perform in a church in Carnac. The concert was prevented by fundamentalist Catholics.

Fundamentalist Catholics at the origin of a new concert cancellation. Saturday May 13, in a church in Carnac, in Morbihan, the American organist Kali Malone was to perform. But a handful of fundamentalist Catholics, close to the extreme right group Civitas, prevented the holding of this concert, organized by the Ministry of Culture and the Departmental Council of Morbihan. All approved by the bishopric and the parish committee.

This is affirmed by the mayor of Carnac, Olivier Lepick, who explains that he canceled the concert in a long message posted on his Facebook page. He filed a complaint. “The situation grew tense from minute to minute and I could not tolerate the violence of the demonstrators falling on a public who came peacefully to attend a concert or that our church suffered damage if by chance it had been necessary to evacuate by force. the enlightened ones”, he wrote, asserting that “contrary to what our pitiful fundamentalists claimed, nothing blasphemous was on the program of the event.” Olivier Lepick deplores a “ridiculous outburst born of the militant action of an active and violent minority.”

Born in 1994 in Denver, Colorado, Kali Malone now lives in Stockholm. The artist is known for her minimalist compositions on the organ, to which she mixes electronic music. Kali Malone performs in concert all over Europe and North America and has released three albums, Cast of Mind (2018), The Sacrificial Code (2019) and Living Torch (2022).

On May 13, 2023, Kali Malone was to perform in the Saint-Cornély church in Carnac, before fundamentalist Catholics from the Civitas movement, deeming his music profanatory. This is not the first time that fundamentalist activists have caused the cancellation of concerts in a church: we think in particular of that of Bilal Hassani last April in Metz, canceled due to threats.