
Since his debut in 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants has been a beloved character for fans of all ages. Recently, actor Tom Kenny, who voices SpongeBob, shared a surprising revelation about the character during a Q&A panel at a comic convention in Detroit.

According to Tom, SpongeBob is autistic and is “kind of on the spectrum” as a character. This revelation came after a fan approached Tom with the question of whether SpongeBob is autistic. Tom’s response was an enthusiastic “Yes! Of course!,” explaining that being autistic is SpongeBob’s superpower, just like it is for the fan who asked the question.

Fans of the show have reacted positively to this news, with many expressing that they now relate to SpongeBob even more. Tom’s comments on SpongeBob’s autism have resonated with viewers, as they see the character in a new light.

This is not the first time that Tom has discussed SpongeBob’s character traits. In a podcast interview back in 2012, he mentioned that SpongeBob’s personality aligns with some characteristics often found in individuals on the autism spectrum. SpongeBob’s dedication to his job, hardworking nature, and deep focus on tasks can be seen as traits that reflect his autism.

As the show celebrates its 25th anniversary, fans continue to learn new information about SpongeBob. In 2020, Nickelodeon acknowledged SpongeBob as a member of the LGBTQ+ community during Pride Month, alongside other LGBTQ+ characters from different shows.

Overall, Tom Kenny’s revelation about SpongeBob’s autism has shed new light on the beloved character and has sparked important conversations about representation and diversity in children’s media. SpongeBob’s superpower as an autistic character has resonated with fans, highlighting the importance of embracing differences and celebrating individual strengths.