
A tragic incident occurred during a live concert where Brazilian rocker Ayres Sasaki, 35, lost his life due to electrocution. The singer was hugging a fan who was wearing wet clothes when he suffered an electric shock from a cable on stage. The shocking incident took place in Salinopolis, Brazil on July 13, resulting in Ayres Sasaki’s immediate death. The circumstances surrounding how the fan got wet remain unclear, and the police investigation is ongoing.

The singer’s family has chosen not to provide detailed comments at this time, awaiting further information as the investigation progresses. The Solar Hotel, the venue where the concert was taking place, expressed deep sadness over the tragic loss of the musician and has assured full cooperation with the authorities during the investigation.

Offstage, Ayres Sasaki was known as an architect and urban planner. He had been married to his wife Mariana for just 11 months before the unfortunate incident. Those who knew him described him as a highly talented artist with a profound love for music. Friends and colleagues remembered him as a charismatic and incredibly talented performer, with a special talent for playing the guitar and singing. Known as the “king of encores,” Ayres Sasaki once performed for an impressive 12 hours straight.

His friend, comedian Natto Almeida, highlighted Sasaki’s kind heart and polite nature as his enduring legacy. The impact he had on those around him through his music and personality is what many will remember him for. Despite the tragic circumstances of his death, Ayres Sasaki’s memory will live on through his music and the positive influence he had on others.