
Prince Harry’s explosive memoir has caused a rift within the royal family, particularly with his brother Prince William. Despite King Charles missing his son, Prince William has reportedly placed a ban on Harry’s return to the royal fold. The two brothers have not been seen together since Charles’ coronation, and it seems unlikely that they will reconcile anytime soon.

In his memoir, Harry made claims about William’s behavior towards Meghan Markle, painting his brother in a negative light. This has only added fuel to the fire of their strained relationship. It is believed that William sees Harry’s actions as unforgivable and is taking a hard-line approach to protect his family and the monarchy from further upset.

Although King Charles may be more open to reconciling with Harry, it is ultimately Prince William who holds the power in this situation. The release of Harry’s memoir, along with his other actions and statements, has only solidified William’s decision to cut off communication with his brother. The future of their relationship remains uncertain, but it seems unlikely that William will soften his stance anytime soon.

The fallout from Harry’s “Megxit” scandal has not only affected his relationship with his family but has also cast a shadow over the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II. Harry’s actions have caused significant upset within the royal family, making it difficult for him to repair the damage that has been done.

If Harry hopes to mend his relationship with his family and have a role within the royal family in the future, he will need to take action soon. Time is ticking, and as each day passes, he risks becoming more irrelevant to the future of the monarchy. The ball is in Harry’s court to make amends and show that he is willing to work towards rebuilding trust and repairing the rift that has formed between him and his family.