
Tonight, NBC’s America’s Got Talent kicked off with a new episode on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, featuring auditions from various acts and contestants vying for the chance to win $1 million. The episode showcased a diverse range of talents, including more Golden Buzzers than ever before, which sent lucky acts directly to the live shows for a shot at America’s vote.

The night started with a group of jokesters performing a live duel in full steel combat, followed by Super Silver Jr., a daring trapeze artist from Brazil who captivated the audience with his aerobatics. His performance earned him four yesses from the judges, including Simon Cowell.

Next, Alex Sampson, a singer-songwriter from a small Canadian town, impressed the judges with an original song, securing his spot in the next round with four yesses. Espiritu, a dance group from LA, showcased their talent and won over the audience, despite receiving a no from Howie Mandel.

The night continued with a mix of serious and unserious performances, including a sound healer, a dancing cow, and a horsewoman from Finland who performed with a hobby horse. Reid Wilson, a self-taught singer from Alabama, wowed the judges with his rendition of “You Don’t Own Me” and received the Golden Buzzer from Howie.

Praveen Prajapati, a young daredevil dancer from India, amazed the audience with his balancing act using glass cups and water, earning three yesses from the judges. B. Thompson, a saxophonist, delivered a soulful performance that earned him four yesses and a spot in the competition.

Tyler, a lumberjack with a fiery whip act, received mixed reviews from the judges and was ultimately eliminated from the competition. Helen, a former gymnast from Ethiopia, showcased her unique talent for juggling with her feet and impressed the judges with her skills.

The night concluded with Taro and Subasa, a father and son comedy duo from Japan, who initially faced rejection from Simon but eventually won him over and secured four yesses from all the judges. The episode ended on a high note with the promise of more surprises and changes to come in the competition.

As the auditions continue, viewers can look forward to more talented acts and unexpected moments on America’s Got Talent. Stay tuned for more updates and recaps as the season progresses!