
Former President Donald Trump is facing backlash and ridicule after appearing drowsy and struggling to keep his eyes open in a recent video he shared online. In the video, Trump’s face appears swollen, and his eyes look tired as he speaks about his upcoming trip to Cleveland and his confidence in poll numbers.

Critics, including vocal Trump critic Ron Filipkowski, have taken to social media to mock the ex-president, with one user commenting that Trump looks “high as a kite.” Others have suggested that Trump may be under the influence of substances like Adderall, referencing his past accusations against President Biden.

Trump had previously demanded that Biden undergo a drug test before their debates, claiming that Biden was under the influence during a previous speech. However, Biden and his supporters have denied these accusations.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Trump’s debates with Biden were marked by contentious exchanges, with Trump often interrupting and challenging Biden. Despite Trump’s aggressive tactics, Biden was ultimately seen as the winner of the debates by political analysts.

Overall, Trump’s recent video appearance has sparked criticism and speculation about his well-being and behavior, adding to the ongoing political tensions between Trump and his opponents. The incident serves as a reminder of the intense scrutiny and public scrutiny faced by public figures, especially those in the political arena.