
Krysten Ritter stars in the new sci-fi series, Orphan Black: Echoes, as a character named Lucy who wakes up with no memories. In a sneak peek of the upcoming series, Lucy finds herself on a couch with a doctor named Kira Manning, played by Keeley Hawes, watching over her. Despite Lucy’s numerous questions about her identity, the doctor remains evasive and only asks her to repeat a series of random words.

The tension rises when Lucy fails to recognize a photograph of a baby, leading to an emotional moment between her and the doctor. It is revealed that Kira Manning is the daughter of Sarah Manning from the original Orphan Black series, but the connection between the two characters is yet to be explored. Lucy becomes frustrated and demands answers about her situation, but ends up being tranquilized by Kira.

Orphan Black: Echoes is set 37 years after the original series and follows a group of women as they navigate through a mysterious journey of uncovering their identities and facing love and betrayal. Tatiana Maslany, who played multiple roles in the original series, expressed her excitement about revisiting the Orphan Black universe and exploring unanswered questions from the previous show.

Maslany highlighted the importance of the fans’ loyalty and support, emphasizing that their dedication is what allowed the show to continue and expand its universe. The new series aims to provide fans with an opportunity to further engage with the story and characters they love.

Orphan Black: Echoes is set to premiere on June 23 on AMC, AMC+, and BBC America. Fans of the original series can look forward to delving deeper into the world of clones and uncovering new mysteries alongside a fresh cast of characters. Stay tuned for an exciting and thrilling journey ahead in the world of Orphan Black.