The philosophy and French exams for the 2023 baccalaureate are Wednesday and Thursday. And the big oral is coming! Here’s what to know about those highlights…and the results!

Here we are, the final baccalaureate 2023 exams are imminent! Admittedly, the reform has changed the situation and the candidates already have a good idea of ??the efforts to be made to have the baccalaureate in 2023, on the latest subjects. The final baccalaureate exams to come, in other words the general exams (philosophy, advance French exam, grand oral) take place from this Wednesday, June 14 and until June 30, 2023.

All practical information on the 2023 baccalaureate session, starting with those concerning the French and philosophy tests, can be found below.

N.B.: the date of the French oral exam is set by each academy, generally after the written tests.

This is undoubtedly the most feared baccalaureate test, because of its historical aura. The subject of the baccalaureate 2023 will not contain any surprises, it is once again built by teachers on the program of the year and from the lessons and methods provided during the final year. If the vast majority of candidates will have their test this Thursday, the first philosophy subjects for the 2023 baccalaureate are already known, these are those who fell in foreign centers.

This Thursday, June 15, first year students take their anticipated French written test for the 2023 baccalaureate. An important moment, followed by the oral, for which the candidates have had a lot of time to prepare. The French subjects for the 2023 baccalaureate – anticipated test – have already fallen in foreign centers. To find out what Thursday’s exam will look like, see our article dedicated to the 2023 French baccalaureate:

As specified by the Ministry of Education on its website, “the baccalaureate diploma is issued, in the general and in the technological path, in view of the results obtained by the candidate, on the one hand in final tests which represent 60% of his overall mark, and on the other hand to the evaluations organized during his schooling in first and final classes as part of a continuous assessment which represents 40% of his overall mark”. Continuous assessment is now fully integrated into the baccalaureate in order to assess the disciplines of the common core, i.e. 5 subjects:

The grand oral is one of the new tests initiated by the reform of the baccalaureate in 2018. It is rated coefficient 10 in the general stream and coefficient 14 in the technological stream. The high school students worked on this test for the new baccalaureate for the first time during the 2021 session. The grade for the grand oral is based both on the candidate’s knowledge, transmitted during his presentation, and on his general expression. The grand oral is spread over 40 minutes, with a preparation time of twenty minutes to prepare the answer to his question, then a passage time of twenty minutes including: five minutes of presentation, then ten minutes of jury interview / candidate on the selected topic and finally five minutes of discussion around the candidate’s orientation project.

For the anticipated written tests of the general baccalaureate, the student works on a text commentary or on an essay. The test lasts 4 hours. It is scored out of 20 points. At the level of the technological baccalaureate, the duration and the notation are the same, but the tests differ in part (contraction of text, essay).

The oral French counting for the general and technological baccalaureate consists of two parts, with a preparation time of half an hour beforehand. The first part of the test (12 minutes, scored on 12 points) consists of a preparation of the text validated by the examiner, a reading of the text aloud, a linear explanation of a passage of about twenty lines and an answer to a grammar question about the text. The second part of the test (8 minutes, scored out of 8 points) aims to present the work chosen from those studied in class.

The specialty tests are part of the final tests that complete the continuous assessment of the new baccalaureate. In the final year, each high school student chose two specialties of their choice from among twelve possible subjects: Arts, History-Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science, Humanity, Literature, Philosophy, Literature and Ancient Languages ??and Cultures, Languages, Literatures and Foreign Cultures and regional sciences, Mathematics, Numerical and computer sciences, Physics-chemistry, Economic and social sciences, Engineering sciences and Life and earth sciences. Each specialty test is scored on a coefficient of 16. The specialty tests correspond to 32% of the final mark (out of the 60% non-continuous assessment).

All of the baccalaureate specialty subjects that the candidates worked on during this edition of the baccalaureate can be consulted on our pages, as well as their answers:

The marks for the 2023 baccalaureate specialty exams have been available online since Wednesday, April 12. Enough to allow, by adding them to the continuous assessment notes, to calculate a major part of his final baccalaureate mark.

The new baccalaureate, passed for the first time in full in 2022, includes a new coefficient for each test. Some specialties evaluated in continuous assessment for the general terminals can reach coefficients of 16, when the great oral passes to the coefficient 10, the philosophy to the coefficient 8, the French (final tests of first) and the EPS (continuous control in terminal) to the coefficient 3. To know in detail these new coefficients for the general baccalaureate following the reform of the baccalaureate, follow the links below.

As confirmed by the official website of the Ministry of Education, the general written exams for the vocational baccalaureate, common to all candidates, take place on Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14, Thursday 15, Friday 16 June, and from Monday 19 to Friday 23 June 2023.

When are the baccalaureate results made public? How to consult them? How are they taken into account by Parcoursup? Or how are the catch-ups organized for those who did not get their baccalaureate on the first try? The baccalaureate results raise many questions each year. With the new format of the baccalaureate, the questions are undoubtedly even more numerous for this 2023 edition of the precious exam. The answers in our special page:

Officially named “second group tests”, the remedial process is intended for all candidates whose average is between 8 and 9.99/20 at the end of the first session of the baccalaureate. Each candidate must choose two tests to retake to recover a maximum of points, at the same coefficient as in mid-June. The students submitted to the remedial session are fixed at the beginning of the week following the results of the baccalaureate, the repechages taking place in the days following the result of the 1st group. The precise dates and times of the remedial orals are traditionally communicated to the candidates at their place of examination, after having chosen the subjects to be retaken. The 2023 baccalaureate remedial orals take place from Wednesday July 5 to Friday July 7, 2023 (inclusive).