In a video very relayed on social networks Monday, June 12, we can see the ecologist deputy Sandrine Rousseau intervene between a taxi driver and a cyclist.

The video is making waves on social media. On Monday, June 12, 2023, images of a violent altercation between a cyclist and a taxi driver in Paris were published by content creator Altis, who confides in his biography on Twitter “popularize[r] mobility in the urban environment

The altercation is said to have started when one of the cyclists participating in the “convergence” stopped in front of a zebra crossing to let a pedestrian pass. A stop that the taxi driver would obviously not have seen coming, who then lightly hit the rear wheel of the bicycle. “Pedestrian priority asshole!” then launches the cyclist. “But then, you stop like that in front of me, put yourself on the side”, replies the taxi. And the cyclist continues: “It’s a pedestrian crossing, you shut your mouth!”

Despite violent verbal exchanges, everyone finally seems to be on their way. But several tens of meters later, the situation degenerated. While the Altis camera was unable to film part of the journey between the altercations, we find the two protagonists exchanging blows. Questioned by the daily newspaper of the capital, Altis affirms that the driver of the taxi would have caught up with the cyclist on the right, before catching him by the arm to bring him back to his car. If Altis has already promised a full update on the event on Tuesday on its YouTube channel, the driver’s version has not been communicated at this time.

Anyway, it was during the second altercation that the deputy Europe Écologie-Les Verts, Sandrine Rousseau, made her appearance. At Le Parisien, she explains: “It was Sunday morning, I was going shopping at the market in the 13th arrondissement when I started to see an altercation on the road.” And to add: “I don’t know what happened at the start, I didn’t see. I did what I had to do, like any citizen.” Comments to which a much less impartial tweet has since been added published Monday, June 12, at the start of the evening, in which the elected environmentalist affirms this time: “Rue de Tolbiac, as elsewhere, a real cycle path would make it possible to appease the use of the road and to secure the practice of