
The 25th anniversary Metro Awards took place recently, and while awards were given out, there were many memorable moments that stood out. From laughter to nerves to energetic performances, the night was full of excitement and talent. Here are seven standout moments from the event.

The Arocho sisters, Ivelisse and Arianna, both had remarkable performances that earned them recognition at the Metros. Ivelisse took on the role of Moonface Martin in “Anything Goes” and won two Metros for her duet performance and comedic acting. Arianna, on the other hand, had to travel long distances to rehearsals for her role in “Catch Me If You Can.” Both sisters showed dedication and talent in their performances, proving that hard work pays off in the end.

Producers Blake Spence and Jordan Singer took a risk by having nominees for leading actor and actress perform medleys of their characters’ songs. This unique approach allowed the actors to showcase their talents and support their fellow nominees, creating a sense of camaraderie among the performers. The medleys were well-received and added an extra layer of excitement to the night.

The opening number, featuring dancers from various schools, was another highlight of the evening. Despite the challenges of learning new choreography and performing on a large stage, the dancers delivered a stellar performance that set the tone for the rest of the night. Their dedication and passion for dance were evident, proving that risks are worth taking in the world of theater.

The Metros have been held at various venues over the years, but the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College remains a favorite among attendees. The world-class venue provides students with a glimpse into the professional performing arts world and inspires them to pursue their dreams. The sense of belonging and excitement at the PAC is unmatched, making it the perfect setting for the Metro Awards.

The production of “Cats” was a standout moment of the night, with the performers showcasing their cat-like focus and harmony on stage. Despite the challenges of the musical, the NVOT kids delivered a memorable performance that captured the audience’s attention. Their dedication to the material and commitment to their roles shone through, proving that hard work and rehearsal pay off in the end.

One of the most memorable moments of the night was when Matthew Mancinelli, the student lighting designer for “Cats,” won an award for technical merit. His heartfelt speech about learning to run the lights and the support of his team resonated with the audience, showcasing the true spirit of the Metro Awards. The night was full of shining moments and talented performers, making it a night to remember for all involved.