
Cultural Agenda of the Week in Curitiba: Richard Clayderman, Golden Series, Samba Circle, and Exhibitions

The cultural agenda of the week in Curitiba brings a variety of events for all ages and tastes. At Guairão, the program is attractive: the Golden Series of the Paraná Symphony Orchestra presents the violinist Guido Sant’Anna, a prodigy of classical music, and the pianist Richard Clayderman celebrates his 70th birthday with a successful worldwide show. Additionally, Rodrigo Teaser interprets Michael Jackson in the “Tribute to the King of Pop,” and the show of the legendary band Os Incríveis promises to shake the audience.

The Public Library of Paraná (BPP) and the state museums are full of events this week, offering a diversity of cultural experiences. The BPP brings the Urban Readings Project, with music and tales from Brazilian folklore, the Samba Circle of the Paraná Composer, and the playful activities of the Children’s Section.

At the Alfredo Andersen House Museum (MCAA), the exhibition “My Nature – The rain is the same, but everyone feels it differently” presents the artistic sensitivity of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In the third occupation of the Open Room project, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná (MAC-PR) invites the artist Nicholas Steinmetz to explore themes of identity and gender.

Check out the complete schedule:
Public Library of Paraná (BPP)
Urban Readings Project – Presentation of music and short tales that illustrate Brazilian folklore stories. The project is being carried out by the Cia Girolê group during this week, until Friday, the 7th, with sessions at 9 am and 2 pm, in the Auditorium.
Book launch “A Look at Reality in the Light of the Ideal” – On Friday, the 7th, at 5 pm, there will be a book launch, autograph session, and chat with the authors Genadir Rodrigues and Maria do Carmo Santiago. The book portrays the life story of the authors, who are blind and have been married for 38 years. The work discusses their personal, family, institutional, educational, cultural, and social history.
Paranaense Composer Samba – Samba circles at BPP, open to the public, every first Saturday of the month. The next meeting will be this Saturday (8), at 10 am, in the Ground Floor Hall.
Reading Together, with Guilherme Shibata – Every Monday, at 6:30 pm, there is a meeting for guided reading and discussion with the public about Brazilian and world literature tales. The next text, on the 10th, is the tale “The Saint,” by Gabriel García Márquez, in the Auditorium of BPP.
Permanent Poetry Workshop – Every Thursday, from 6 pm to 7:45 pm, the Permanent Poetry Workshop is held, coordinated by the writer Lilia Souza, in the Coworking space, with a capacity for 40 people. The activity is open to all ages, with no need for registration. In addition to studies on great authors, poetic modalities, and recitation sessions – led by members of the Paranaense Poetry Academy and guests from the state’s literary scene – there are practical classes for poem production and meetings about verses. The next one will take place on the 13th.
Children’s Section
Story Time – Storytelling for children, held by the Children’s Section, from Monday to Friday, in two sessions, at 11 am and 3 pm. Until Friday, the 7th, the story of the week is “Why??! The Story of Elvis” by Peter Schössow, and from the 10th onwards, it will be “The Missing Piece” by Shel Silverstein.
Children’s Radio – Storytelling with Carol Casagrande, from Cia Girolê. On Saturday, the 8th, starting at 10 am, in the Children’s Section.
Playful Saturday – Meeting to teach RPG and board games to beginners aged 6 to 12. The meetings take place twice a month at the Multimeios Aquarium, in front of the Gibiteca, from 10 am to 12 pm. The first meeting of this June will be on the 8th.
Braille Section
Inclusive Cinema Project – Film screenings with audio description and books narrated in sign language for visually and hearing impaired people.
“Letters to Juliet” | Rating: +10 | Duration: 1h45min;
“The Meaning of the World through Touch” – Documentary about Deafblindness | Rating: Free | Duration: 50min.
“Alice for children” – Arara Azul Publishing | Sign Language | Rating: Free | Duration: 5 minutes.
Scheduling for Inclusive Cinema is done by phone: (41) 3221-4985.
Museum of Image and Sound (MIS-PR)
Brazilian Guitarrada – This Wednesday (12), at 6 pm, Nicholas Trezzi and Eduardo Lobo arrive at the museum to play a Brazilian Guitarrada repertoire. The presentation is free and open to all audiences.

The musical Wednesdays at MIS-PR are part of the Tons Vizinhos project – a partnership between the museum and Unespar – which every week brings quality music to the space, in performances that include various rhythms and genres.
Alfredo Andersen House Museum (MCAA)
Inclusion and Diversity – This Thursday (13), at 6 pm, the exhibition “My Nature – The rain is the same, but everyone feels it differently” opens, a collaborative work by children and adolescent students of the specialist in inclusion of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), art educator, and current artistic resident of the museum, Nilson Sampaio.

The main objective of this exhibition is to reveal how each individual feels and perceives the world around them and allow the public to immerse themselves in the different perspectives and sensitivities of the young neurodivergent artists. Each piece serves as a window into the creator’s unique personal universe, demonstrating that, despite a common theme, the interpretation is deeply personal and unique.
Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC-PR)
Nicholas Steinmetz – The Open Room, a project of the museum that provides a space dedicated to artistic situations, advances to its final stage. Starting next Thursday (13), the space will be occupied by the visual artist from São Paulo, Nicholas Steinmetz. He will bring a unique individual exhibition, an open studio to the public, and direct interactions with visitors. The MAC Paraná, located inside the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON), promotes the initiative in Room 9.

A native of São Paulo, he spent a large part of his life in Curitiba. Nicholas began his artistic career in 2016, dedicating himself to creating comics and independent publications. Currently, through paintings and drawings, he develops his own imaginary world, populated by characters that exhibit a virility beyond the common. He explores themes such as gender, sexuality, and complex social structures, intertwining them with the exploration of his own identity as a transgender man.
Paranaense Museum (MUPA)
“Self-Representation through Body Gestures” – This Saturday (8), at 1:30 pm, from a visit to portraits and self-portraits present in the exhibitions of MUPA, the Educational Nucleus will bring to the audience from 6 to 12 years old, accompanied by a guardian, reflections on their own representation.

In this process, the fact that painted portraits often follow some standards will be discussed – but some artists propose to find other ways of thinking and expressing their own image. Subsequently, children and adolescents will be invited to represent themselves by drawing and painting a giant self-portrait. Registration available at this link.
Body and Spirituality – This Saturday (08), at 4 pm, the conversation table “Physical Body, Spiritual Body: On the Forms of the Sacred” will take place, with Abdul Qadi, Mother Vera de Oxum, Simão Nasri, and mediated by Victor Macedo. If, on the one hand, bodies are biology, they are also the means and practice of the sacred. In this table, the audience will have contact with different traditions, experiences, and practices, all crossed by corporeality and its multiple manifestations in doctrines and intimacies of religiosity. Free and open participation.
Performance – On Sunday (09), the contortionism performance “Trama,” with the performer, educator, and circus artist Michelle de Lara, will take place. There will be three presentations throughout the day, each lasting five minutes, at 11:30 am, 2:30 pm, and 4:30 pm.

In this unprecedented performance, the contortionist comes into contact with the work “?pry v?nkhãpóv (Crossroads),” the wicker market cart woven with synthetic fiber that bears the authorship of Coletivo Kókir, Luiz da Silva Kaingang, and Joanilton da Silva Foság, on display at the “Mejtere: retold stories” exhibition at the Paranaense Museum. Free admission.
Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON)
Mediation – On the free Wednesday of the 12th, at 3 pm, the mediation “Tracks and Traces – Poty 100 years” will take place. The meeting is an opportunity to promote dialogue between the public and the MON educators’ team, with the aim of expanding perceptions and experiences with the exhibitions. Additionally, it offers visitors the chance to get to know the artistic representations of Poty Lazzarotto: the Narrator, the Worker, the Xingu, the Sacred, the War, the Everyday, the Traveler, the Muralist, and the Portraitist.

Access is free for all audiences. Registrations are released 15 minutes before, on a first-come, first-served basis, in Room 6. The activity issues a certificate of hours. Sign the attendance list on the day and, after the event, request the document by email at
Teatro Guaíra Cultural Center
Golden Series – The guest soloist is the violinist Guido Sant’Anna. In an artistic journey that began in childhood, in the outskirts of São Paulo, the musician made his first solo performance with an orchestra at the age of seven and recently won the 10th edition of the Fritz Kreisler International Violin Competition in Vienna, Austria, competing with more than 200 musicians from over 40 countries. The performances take place on Thursday (6), at 8:30 pm, and Sunday (9), at 10:30 am.

Tickets are R$ 20.00 (full price) and R$ 10.00 (half price), available at the Guairá Theater box office or on the website.
Richard Clayderman – Celebrating his 70th birthday, the world’s most successful pianist, Richard Clayderman, will make four presentations in Brazil in June as part of his worldwide tour, Richard Clayderman – 45 Years of Success. Accompanied by a string orchestra, he displays humor, versatility, and competence with his unique style of interpreting classical and popular songs.

The presentation takes place this Friday (7), at 9 pm. Tickets available starting at R$ 250 on Disk Ingressos.
King of Pop – The meaning and legacy of Michael Jackson will still be alive for many generations. Proof of this is the success of the show “Tribute to the King of Pop,” starring Rodrigo Teaser and considered the largest show in Latin America in homage to the American star. The performance that recreates the entire structure of the King of Pop’s main performances, with scenarios and costumes identical to those used by the King of Pop, commemorates the 15 years since the death of the American singer.

Performance on Saturday (8), at 9:15 pm. Tickets available starting at R$ 90 on Disk Ingressos.
The Incredibles – On Sunday (9), at 7 pm, with a brilliant trajectory that spans decades, The Incredibles keep the flame of Brazilian music alive, recalling the hits that marked an entire generation. Hits like “Marks of what was gone,” “He was a boy who, like me, loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones,” and “Devil in the form of a boy” will be in the show’s repertoire and will take the audience back to the 60s. Tickets available starting at R$ 50 on Disk Ingressos.
Momix | Alice – On Thursday (13), at 9 pm, MOMIX, the acclaimed company of illusionist dancers directed by Moses Pendleton and internationally known for presenting works of surprising inventiveness and physical beauty, will present the show “Alice.” Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s story, full of images and absurd logic, an invitation is made to invent, let the imagination run wild, and play with the fusion of dance, lighting, music, costumes, and projected images.

Tickets at R$ 240 and R$120 available through Disk Ingressos.
State College of Paraná – The students present the concert “Open Rehearsal of the Bento Mossurunga Symphony Orchestra” on Friday (7) and Saturday (8), at 8 pm, and the play “Prometheus” on Sunday (9), at 4:30 pm. Rating: Free. Free entry, no ticket issuance.
Small Auditorium
“The Rivalries” – Sandro, Adair, and Flávio are three gay friends who live together, sharing joys and difficulties. One day, Sandro receives his boss, Amanda, for dinner at his house. Now he will rely on his friends’ help to set up a farce, keep his job, and deal with Henrique, his boss’s jealous boyfriend. Performances take place from the 6th to the 9th and from the 13th to the 16th of June 2024. On Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, the 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, at 8 pm. On Sundays, the 9th and 16th, at 7 pm. Tickets starting at R$ 25 available through Disk Ingresso
José Maria Santos Theater
“Rotation” – Inspired by poetic and contemporary issues about concepts such as depth, height, line, angle, distance, three-dimensionality, convergences, and divergences, actor Giovanni Venturini and dancer Lívea Castro debut in Curitiba accompanied by dozens of stairs. Between theater, dance, and performance, a space is created where the audience is part of the scene. Performances take place from Thursday to Saturday at 8 pm and Sundays at 7 pm, until the 16th of June. Free entry, no ticket issuance.
Cinema in the Square
With outdoor screenings, the Cinema in the Square project brings entertainment and the cinema experience to viewers in municipalities in the interior of Paraná that do not have screening rooms.

The municipalities below will show the films “Brichos 2” at 6:30 pm and “My Mom is a Play 3” at 8 pm. In the same order of films, the cities of Realeza and Pérola d’Oeste will have sessions at 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm.
Nova Laranjeiras – Tuesday (11). Location: Municipal Lake
Diamante do Sul – Wednesday (12). Location: In front of the Municipal City Hall
Campo Bonito – Thursday (13). Location: Church Pavilion
Ibema – Friday (14). Location: Church Square
Expeditionary Museum
R. Comendador Macedo, 655 – Alto da XV, Curitiba
Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON)
Rua Mal. Hermes, 999 – Centro Cívico, Curitiba
(41) 3350-4468 / 3350-4448
Paranaense Museum (MUPA)
Rua Kellers, 289 – São Francisco, Curitiba
(41) 3304-3300
Museum of Image and Sound (MIS-PR)
Rua Barão do Rio Branco, 395 – Centro, Curitiba
(41) 3232-9113
Public Library of Paraná (BPP)
Rua Cândido Lopes, 133 – Centro, Curitiba
(41) 3221-4951
Alfredo Andersen House Museum (MCAA)
Rua Mateus Leme, 336 – São Francisco, Curitiba
(41) 3222-8262
Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná (MAC-PR)
Temporarily operating at the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Rooms 8 and 9
Rua Mal. Hermes, 999 – Centro Cívico, Curitiba
(41) 3323-5328 / 3222-5172
Adalice Araújo Room
Rua Ébano Pereira, 240 – Centro, Curitiba
Canal da Música – Grand Auditorium
Rua Julio Perneta, 695 – Mercês, Curitiba
(41) 3331-7579
Gomm House
Rua Bruno Filgueira, 850 – Batel
Cultural Center Teatro Guaíra
Bento Munhoz da Rocha Neto Auditorium (Guairão) – Rua Conselheiro Laurindo, 175 – Centro, Curitiba
Salvador de Ferrante Auditorium (Guairinha) – Rua XV de Novembro, 971 – Centro, Curitiba
Glauco Flores de Sá Brito Auditorium (Miniauditório) – Rua Amintas de Barros, 70 – Centro, Curitiba
Zé Maria Theater – Rua Treze de Maio, 655 – São Francisco, Curitiba.