Aphids are a garden owner’s nightmare. These pests spread very quickly among vegetables, causing enormous damage that can even lead to the death of plants. One of the best solutions is an eco-friendly spray. Here’s how to prepare it.

Aphids most commonly attack tomatoes in the garden. These pests reproduce very quickly, which can lead to infestation of many plants in a very short time. They feed on the sap of plants, sucking up the nutrient-rich fluids. The consequences are devastating – plants weaken, become less resistant to climate change, their growth may even be inhibited and yields reduced.

So it’s no wonder that many people are looking for a way to get rid of aphids. It turns out that sometimes, instead of spending money on chemicals, it is enough to use home remedies for aphids. The best known (but not the most effective) is plain vinegar, which is great for making an aphid spray. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (add 100 ml of vinegar to 1 l of water) and add a little black soap.

Another well-known home method against aphids can be a mixture of water and whole (not skimmed) milk in a 1:1 ratio. But the two previous methods do not equal the secret recipe of many gardeners that we are revealing to you now…

There is indeed another ecological method to fight aphids in the garden. Thanks to this, the pests will disappear in 10 seconds and will not return to your garden. You will need several garlic cloves, 1 tbsp hot pepper, 1 liter hot water. Crush the garlic and add the chilli. Cover both ingredients with water and wait about 6 hours. Filter the preparation and dilute it with water – 250 ml of solution for 10 liters of water. Spray this homemade spray on your vegetables every other day. Both garlic and hot pepper have insecticidal properties. This will kill the aphids and they won’t want to come back.