
Investigative Documentary Reveals Shocking Truth about ‘Palantir’ Software

An eye-opening documentary aired on NDR Kultur – Das Journal sheds light on a software that has the potential to be used for lethal purposes. The documentary, titled “Watching You”, delves into the operations of the company ‘Palantir’, highlighting the chilling statement made by CEO Alex Karp: “Our product can be used to kill people.”

Palantir, known for creating the world’s largest data analysis software, has raised concerns for its ability to enable countries to conduct extensive surveillance on their citizens. Currently, the company is providing support to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

The founders of Palantir, Alex Karp and Peter Thiel, have drawn attention for their political affiliations. Karp, self-identified as a Neo-Marxist and leftist, stands in stark contrast to Thiel, a supporter of Donald Trump and openly right-wing.

“Watching You” by filmmaker Klaus Stern serves as a deep dive into one of the most powerful software companies in the world, raising questions about the ethical implications of such technology.

Viewers can access the video of the documentary until June 10, 2026, providing an opportunity to explore the intricate workings of Palantir and the potential risks associated with its software.