FRENCH PATENT. The French test for the college patent has been unveiled. Discover the topics of this Monday, June 26, 2023 in full as well as their answers.

[Updated June 26, 2023 at 12:40 p.m.] The first exam of the college patent is over! For three hours the candidates worked on the subject of French, this Monday, June 26, 2023, and they had plenty to do with dictation, grammar and comprehension questions and finally an essay. The subjects of the French patent were published at the end of the test and are available in full on this page thanks to our partner Studyrama.

In addition to the subjects of the French certificate, answers to exercises carried out by associate professors are offered to you. These answers allow candidates leaving the test to already have an idea of ??their success rate in the test, as long as they still have their answers in mind. For the curious, they also allow self-assessment on the subject of the patent.

Between grammar, dictation and writing, the French subject is complete for the college patent test. Note that the subjects of the general series and the pro series are not the same. They are both to be found in full.

French subject of the general patent:

The test began with a text study on an extract from George Sand’s work, Histoire de ma vie. It is also an extract of this text which served as support for the dictation. For the writing exercise, the candidates had the choice between a subject of reflection and a subject of imagination.

French subject of the vocational certificate:

Here it is George Perec’s text, W or The Memory of Childhood, which served as the support for the dictation and the grammar and comprehension test. While for the writing exercise they also had the choice between a subject of imagination and another of reflection.

Once the test is known, a correction of the French subject of the patent des collèges can be useful for candidates leaving the exam. Thanks to these answers made by associate professors, it is easy to self-assess and to have an idea of ??your success rate in the test.

Correction of the subject of French in general way:

Vocational French Subject Answer Key:

During the written French test for the secondary school certificate, students from mainland France have three hours to prove themselves. This consists first of a part “grammar and linguistic skills – comprehension and skills of interpretation and dictation”, from 9 am to 10.30 am. It is, after a dictation, to carry out the explanation of an extract of literary text and exercises of grammar and rewriting. After a short break, follows a second part dedicated to writing, from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

The first part, evaluated on 50 points, is based on a literary text sometimes accompanied by an image and consists of answering a series of questions on grammar, language comprehension and interpretation. Twenty minutes are dedicated to dictation, scored out of 10 points, of approximately 600 characters for students in the general series and 400 characters for the professional series. The order of the following questions, out of 40 points, is not insignificant: the first are rather short and address specific points of grammar while the following call for more developed and written answers based on quotations from the excerpt from the text provided to study.

After a short break of fifteen minutes, the students find their copy for the last part of the test: writing on a subject of invention or reflection of their choice, and on which the last 50 points are played.

At the patent, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but with a counting of points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the patent. A minimum of 400 out of 800 points is required to pass. Then, when you collect more points, you can earn mentions: you need at least 480 for the mention fairly well, at least 560 for the mention well, and 640 for the mention very well. The French test can be worth up to 100 points, so it is very important.

The results of the 2023 patent will be revealed at the beginning of July, on dates differing slightly according to the academies. It is expected that the results of the Brevet des collèges will be released between Friday July 7 and Tuesday July 11, 2023. And after the results, it’s time to celebrate the students with the highest marks! A republican patent graduation ceremony is organized at each start of the school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in conjunction with schools and local elected officials – mayors, departmental councillors, etc. – organize, each year, an official presentation of the diplomas obtained the previous year.

According to the official National Education website, this ceremony “brings together the educational community and elected officials around the students who complete their common school career”. Its usefulness is to “state the essential role of the school in the Republic and to congratulate the pupils who have obtained their first diploma”. National Education specifies that this makes it possible to erect “models of success”.