KAVANAUGH – This Thursday, had held a hearing in the senate of Brett Kavanaugh, nominee Donald Trump to the supreme Court, and Christine Blasey Ford, who is accused of sexual assault.

[updated on September 28, 2018 at 13h17] Transcribed to the tv, hearing of Brett Kavanaugh and his accusing was massively followed in the United States. It must be said that the scandal is size. This judge is 53 years old, candidate proposed by Donald Trump to serve on the supreme Court, the highest court in u.s., had a profile appearance ideal until three women accuse him of sexual assault. One of them, Christine Blasey Ford, was heard before the Senate on Thursday, and has brought the details of his accusation.

This doctor of psychology has echoes in an evening high school of 1982, in which she participated, such as Brett Kavanaugh. “Brett I was whopping, and sought to remove my clothes,” she says. And to add : “He was evil because he was very drunk and because I was wearing a swimsuit a room below”. Christine Blasey Ford said a friend of the judge was present and that all the two of them laughed like drunks during the Jetbahis attack”. “I thought he was going to rape me,” she said.

Blasey Ford safe “100%” that Kavanaugh is the aggressor

struck by the fact that this story alleged took place 36 years ago, a senator then asked Blasey Ford his degree of certainty about the identity of his attacker. She is then said to be sure 100% that it was beautiful and well-Kavanaugh. In the Face of these accusations, Brett Kavanaugh has sworn “before God” to be innocent. “I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone, neither in high school nor at the university (…) My family and my reputation have been destroyed for ever”, he pleaded, visibly moved and sometimes even on the verge of tears.

A defense that was hailed by the us president, who said that he always support his candidate, despite the scandal. “The judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly what I called it. His testimony was powerful, honest and compelling”, has held Trump on Twitter, denouncing a “policy destructive of the democrats”. Brett Kavanaugh has advised that it will depart not out of the race to the supreme Court.

The case of Kavanaugh, “a disaster for the republicans”

“You let me win may be in the final vote, but you do make me never throw in the towel. Never”, he argued before the senators of the judiciary committee. But it seems that his candidacy suffers greatly in this case. The charges of Christine Blasey Ford have been deemed as “extremely credible” by Chris Wallace, a political commentator on Fox News. “It is a disaster for the republicans”, he decided.

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