In France, Halloween is a celebration in which it is often given a relative importance. A study published by Le Figaro in 2017 showed that less than half of the homes were decorated for the occasion. Aware of its commercial dimension, the French wanted above all to make an effort for the children. But on the other side of the Atlantic, Halloween is a real business, estimated at nearly $ 10 billion for companies.

However, the United States have a disability. Unlike France, Spain, Portugal or even Belgium, on the 1st of November is not a holiday. This now seems to pose a serious problem to many parents, ” says Slate, relaying an article from the New York Post. A petition was put online claiming that the date of Halloween should be moved. Initiated by the ” Halloween & Costume Association “, it is sent directly to Donald Trump and already has Casinoslot over 23,000 signatures.

security reasons

The idea is to celebrate Halloween on the last Saturday of the month of October. In 2018, it would thus have been the 28 October and the next year the 26. Why would you want to change the date ? The main argument put forward in the petition is that of security. Thus, the text referred to 3 800 children are injured every year while they go to retrieve the candy. The reasons for these accidents seem to be identified. 70 % of parents do not accompany their children, 65 % did not explain the rules of safety and 82 % make the impasse on the reflecting materials, which could make them more visible. Figures which are to be taken with a grain of salt for lack of reliable source.

The children could walk alone in the darkness. And the parents, as they have to work the next day, did not want to accompany them, ” explains the petition.

Donald Trump has not yet responded. If the petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the White House could then be forced to respond. Thus, in 2013, the administration of Barack Obama had to explain that it does not build not the black Star.

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