The leader of the AfD Demonstration beads the rain drops from the shaved head. Right-winger Stefan Räpple is close to the Martinstor, one of the landmarks of Freiburg, and by Interviews in the spotlight of the cameras. The baden-württemberg AfD-a member of the Landtag and his associates have come “to set a sign that it can’t go on,” he says. For this, you want to March today.

At nine degrees and drizzling rain, the even-proclaimed patriots. In front of a colorful wall. At least 1500 people have organized themselves according to the police in two demonstrations against the AfD, they are distributed from the Martinstor, on the Bertoldsbrunnen to the place of the Old synagogue. Students pan rainbow flags and holding signs in the air. Protective a man is holding the umbrella over his wife, she buries her face in her shawl, he blows in his whistle. On the edge parents are with their children. You all for coming out this evening to set a tone. Because Freiburg is again shaken by a terrible crime. And the AfD wants to use this for your purposes.

Against a Suspect, an arrest warrant was already in front

After visiting a disco, a young woman was raped by several men. The 18-Year-old had reported in the night of the 14. October in a Club to be celebrated and an unknown man a drink. At midnight you have to leave with him. Shortly thereafter, it came to her in a Bush to a sexual Assault by the alleged perpetrator. The student was able to defend myself, she says. By an unknown substance in her drink, she was defenseless. Then more men should have the woman’s past.

The woman filed a police report. Six days after the incident, police officers arrested a 19-year-old Syrians in a refugee accommodation. According to the police, they brought a DNA comparison on his trail. Against him a warrant was, according to the Ministry of the interior already. An investigation eventually led to seven other suspects, six Syrians, and a German. Most of them lived in refugee accommodation in and around Freiburg, it said. Now they are in custody. The police does not exclude that other people were involved. A 13-member “investigation Club” is working with the state office of criminal investigation Cratosslot in Stuttgart together on the case.

It is not the first Time that Freiburg lands with a violent crime in the headlines. Two years ago, the student, Maria L. was murdered. A young Afghan had raped the 19-Year-old in October 2016 on the banks of the Dreisam and the unconscious in the river. You drowned. In March, Hussein K. was sentenced for murder to life imprisonment.

“My Trauma is not your Propaganda”

For the Freiburg, the fact was a shock. Jana and her friend Valerie are now more careful when you are alone at night in the city. The students call their roommate as soon as you make your way home, or log in, if you stay with friends. Against the AfD you want to put on this evening with red heart balloons and a sign. “Terrible things are happening,” says Jana. “Nevertheless, these crimes should not be transferred to all refugees.”

Many of the protesters on Monday evening to say that they go against the instrumentalization of incidents on the road. Others show it with their posters: “My Trauma is not your Propaganda”, is in bright colors on a sign.

protesters in Freiburg, Germany

On the other side of the police barrier, the AfD demonstrators are chanting their usual slogans. Some of them carry around soaked Germany flags. AfD-man Räpple, and the police speak officially from 300 to 500 participants, but as a Uniformed in the amount of not more than 80 to 100 rights sympathizers. In the front of the members of the AfD’s youth organisation “Young Alternative March”.

again and again, you need to stop or be redirected, because they are blocked in the winding streets of the old town of the counter-demonstrators. Then mounted police officers clear the street. In Freiburg, the Situation with the migrants had a “particularly bad,” said Reimond, Hoffmann, Deputy YES-Chairman in the state of Baden-Württemberg and one of the initiators of the Demo. It should finally be mass deportations. The Federal government in Berlin is what he calls “criminal”.

At the end of the zig-zag course, the convoy of the AfD-Faithful reached the town hall square. The police seal off it, behind it, the protesters are jamming. As you can see, the first German flag on the square, shouting: “skin, skin!” Of AfD-man Räpple only a “dear patriots”, and they Boo him loudly. A man blows loudly into his Vuvuzela, while others clap to the beat.

Räpple is a black box, in the Hand a micro, in addition to him, two boxes, and he has a louder roar. Because all of a sudden the bells of the Catholic St. Martin’s Church, to be rung as a Protest against the right-wing protesters sound. The churches and the Federal government should be ashamed of themselves, screams Räpple, in the direction of the counter-demonstrators, he calls out: “you have blood on your hands, and you have mitgeschändet this girl”.

Stefan Räpple in Freiburg, Germany

at About the same time, only a few meters opens a window. A man with glasses and dark hair waving from the town hall out, he enthusiastically claps his hands. Martin Horn, Freiburg’s mayor, who has previously called on the Demonstration to the place of the Old synagogue to a peaceful, rooting for the protesters.

Now they are even louder. “Freiburg hates the AfD!”, you scream. Räpples words are hardly heard.