In the aftermath of the death of young Nahel, the world of sport and particularly football, takes the floor.

Following the death of young Nahel, 17, killed by a policeman in Nanterre after refusing to comply, several cities in France were set ablaze overnight. In the aftermath of this tragedy, several public figures took the floor to demand justice after the death of the young boy. Among them, the captain of the France team, Kylian Mbappé. On his Twitter account, the French gave his support to the family, deploring an “unacceptable” situation.

Mike Maignan, goalkeeper of AC Milan and new number 1 of the Blues, also spoke on his twitter account. “A bullet in the head… It’s always for the same people that being in the wrong leads to death. For Nahel, for his mother.” As of Tuesday evening, the defender Jules Koundé had published a long text on the networks, accusing in particular the journalists of “distorting the truth”. “A 17-year-old young man shot dead at point-blank range by a police officer for refusing to comply during a check. Such is the reality of the situation and it is dramatic. As if this new police blunder was not enough the chains of news is their favorite thing to do. Sets disconnected from reality, “journalists” who ask “questions” with the sole aim of distorting the truth, criminalizing the victim and finding extenuating circumstances where there is no “There’s none. An age-old method of masking the real problem. How about we turn off the TV for a bit to get informed?”