A beautiful letter reached last Friday, the Stuttgart-based emergency medical service of the Maltese. The small Johanna S. thanked us with touching words for the rescue team. You wrote: “you are doing so much for us, but gets just too little ‘Thank you’ I said. It is so nice to know that you come when you’re needed. (…)”

“you are simply super and heroes”

For they were men and women in the rescue service, the true “heroes”. The work was not harmless and had “great respect” in front of you. In her letter, she wishes the rescue team in the not-too-heavy inserts and all our colleagues to take good care of each other. For the girls is also now: “Later, I would also like to go in the ambulance service and save lives.” To strengthen you put the Team in a “small Snack” to the letter.

We say THANK you! #Ambulance service #Hero #Maltese #Stuttgart #Thanks

Posted by Malteser rescue service district of Stuttgart on Friday, may 2. November 2018,

reveals How the date is written the letter in mid-October. He is signed with the name Johanna S., a sender is missing. In Betsmove an interview with the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” says Daniel Kessler, the Social Media officer of the order of Malta: “something like never experienced before! We were pleased, of course, very pleased! The letter now has pride of place on our Wall!” Now, the rescue would like to thank service Johanna, without the sender however, this is not so easy. Proud of the staff have posted an image of the letter on Facebook. In addition, the comment: “We say THANK you!” This Post was shared, such as “t-online” reports, in the meantime, more than 220 times.

The rescuers want to thank: download> Johanna <p And not without reason: With his thank-you to the rescue service Johanna wants to invite. "We would like to show our guard and to explain to them, what are we doing here, exactly," says Kessler of the "Stuttgarter Zeitung". With a comment to the letter, the Stuttgart-based order of Malta are now looking for the girl: "dear Johanna, if You are reading this, then please let us know. We would like to invite You to our rescue guard and us for the nice letter to thank you, Your letter has touched us very much."

sources: “Stuttgarter Zeitung” / “t-online” / letter from Johanna on Facebook
