Must be a healthy lunch is more expensive? To the question of costs in the case of school Lunches, Federal food Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU) in Berlin on Tuesday (10.15 PM) a new study. The investigation carried out by the German nutrition society (DGE) on behalf of the Ministry. A result is that school Lunches, according to the quality standards of DGE in all schools possible, said Klöckner. About healthy school Lunches you informed on Tuesday, together with the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU). Critics accuse the state of the school Lunches omissions.

Interview, Kita-cook Astrid Niessen, “food dogma is the table” – why it is important that children in the nursery eat well By Denise Snieguole Wachter

The DGE is recommended for school Lunches, for example, daily grain, grain products or potatoes and daily vegetables. At least once a week to give it to fish and a maximum of twice per week meat or sausage. In 2007, the DGE had first published the standards of quality. Four years ago, a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of food showed, however, that the offer in schools is often not healthy enough. For students there should be more fish and vegetables, it said. Only about one out of every five of the School food plan corresponded to, for example, the DGE-recommendation of no more than twice a Arzbet week meat.

school Lunches: failed state?

The consumer protection organization Foodwatch demanded already at the beginning of the school year that the Standards for schools and kindergartens duty would have to be. “In the case of school meals, a devastating state reveals itself to failure,” said managing Director Martin Rücker. The quality standards are not enforced at most schools. “For years, we lament the widespread malnutrition and the rampant Obesity, the end of children – but not even in the schools where they go into state care, you can rely on a well-balanced diet.”

lunch from all over the world: What it is to be recognised in France, Mali and Pakistan in the school Fullscreen

Paris, France

pike, green beans, Paris mushrooms


eat The trade Union nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) requires, however, that the cost pressure should be reduced: it was Suggested that in schools and nurseries, a reduced VAT rate of 7 instead of 19 percent. In addition, the NGG calls for the introduction of a School subject “diet” in order to promote more conscious handling of food.

Healthy eating for children should have lunch on the table

According to the Ministry, to eat every day, more than three million students in all-day schools. Goal of healthy school diet is to prevent Obesity in children. According to the data of the largest German youth health study, more than every seventh child in Germany is overweight, or even obese. The number has stabilised in comparison to ten years ago, at a high level, such as the Robert Koch Institute in the spring reported.

until the end of November, the days of school meals run. Through the days of action for children and adolescents to a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet.