At the beginning of the climate conference in Poland has pleaded UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, with haunting words for a more resolute Action by the international community. For many people, global warming is already a “matter of life and death,” said Guterres in Katowice. The world had lost in their efforts to stop global warming “of course”.

This residue had to “catch up as quickly as possible, before it is too late,” said Guterres in front of the delegates from almost 200 countries in Katowice. The “devastating consequences” of the rise in global temperature everywhere become visible. What is needed is a “decisive” Action by the world community, in order to bring “our ship back on course”.

UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres

scientists around the world meteorological organization (WMO) had warned of a rise in average global temperature by up to five degrees by 2100, should be no counter-measures.

In the case of the 24. Climate change conference (COP) deals with specific measures for the implementation of the Paris climate agreement to limit global temperature rise to well below two degrees. Up to the 14. December should be prepared for this purpose, a set of rules.

What the UN climate change conference in Katowice, Poland What is it all about at the UN climate change conference in Katowice

A sticking point is the financing of climate protection measures. In Paris had said the end of 2015, the industrial countries, the development and access of emerging countries financially under the arms. They suffer most from the consequences of climate change although they have contributed the least to global warming. On Sunday Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama had urged a swift change of course – the Pacific island state is threatened by rising sea levels acute.

The President also threaten the island state of Nauru, Baron Divavesi Waqa, was critical of the fact that the Paris agreement will stop the coal industry is “radical”. “These powerful interests have remained in Paris intact, and we ignore this danger.”

The world Bank announced, among other things, to double their financial assistance to developing countries in Oslobet the fight against climate change. From 2021 to 2025, a total of $ 200 billion (177 billion euros) are to be provided, in order to combat the consequences of climate change.

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German development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) said in Katowice, the industrial countries would have to be their responsibility towards the developing and emerging countries. Climate protection was a “question of Survival of humanity” and “a cause for Hunger and poverty”. With a view to the rapid population growth in Africa, Miller said, Africa had to be “the green continent of the renewable energies” the only way to economic development could be designed where climate-friendly. He also called for international agreements for the protection of the rain forests in the cultivation of soya and palm oil.

Together with the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), presented Müller in Katowice, the doubling of the German contribution to the international climate Fund to 1.5 billion euros. Schulze said that Germany had to give “signals that we are serious with climate Finance”. The Federal government will kick in the negotiations and for “more commitment, courage and solidarity in the area of climate protection”. This must also apply at the national level.

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Video Alexander Epp / mirror

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) to determine said on Twitter, it must be “global answers” – at the same time, Germany must remain “in the climate protection model”. The Federal government will use its seat in the UN security Council from next year “very intense, to make climate protection a priority topic”.

The climate researcher Mojib Latif accused the Federal government, to send to the international community the wrong signals. In the SWR, he referred to the delays in the Coal phase-out, and on the deforestation of the hambach forest for the brown coal open-pit mining, while in Germany, the call at the same time, the protection of the Brazilian rainforest.

Also, the Greens criticised the Federal government. Party leader Anna Lena Baerbock threw her in the transmitter of NDR “climate policy failure”. Especially in a time lacking still plan for the phase-out of coal-fired power generation, said Baerbock. “Other countries have shown that it can be made to a shift in Traffic that can exit a Coal legally. And all this Germany does not, unfortunately,” she said.
