note: This Text appeared on the 11. November 2018 for the first time on our page. We publish it due to recent events, once again: Because the US health authority CDC has published data, according to which the average life expectancy of US citizens is decreasing due to the growing drug epidemic, and an increasing number of suicides. The life expectancy in the year of 2017 stood at 78.6 years, and 0.1 years below the figure for the previous year, the CDC. Such a drop is for a highly developed industrial country, which is very unusual.

The culprits, says Donald Trump on the opioid crisis, be the addict yourself. The young people you should not teach simply that drugs were good. It also calls for the execution of drug dealers. Egged on by this punishment zeal, some Sheriffs are already pursuing in the United States people whose crime is that they were in the room when someone gave an Overdose.

The Schuldigeren, however, as it accounted for many in the country, and magazines and Newspapers, reports no drug dealer, and you will be punished. To the family of Sackler’s a whole wing in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Louvre in Paris is named. They are considered to be generous patrons of the arts and, with a fortune of 13 billion dollars to the richest families in America.

A wealth, to a large extent at the expense of millions of people amassed, the family Sackler drive with your pharmaceutical company Purdue in the Addiction.

The Sacklers have triggered this crisis, in the since 1999, more than 200,000 Americans died. It is a typical American crisis, fueled by the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, political, regulatory timidity, and the culture of “a pill for every ill” , this Life of many Americans in the medications promise you with a better and pain-free life.

oxycontin is related to Heroin

The crisis began with a drug that promised the people relief and the Sacklers wealth. Oxycontin. A painkillers as a wonder weapon, the patients with medium and severe pain, and persistent promises relief. A drug, powerful like no other on the market. Ingredient is pure oxycodone, the chemical is related to Heroin and almost twice as strong as morphine.

“maneuvers” 16-Year-old swamp crashes in drugs – mother has a bold idea to save him From Katharina Frick

for a long time known that there is hardly more dangerous drugs than opioids, because they are addictive. Therefore, Doctors are also very cautious and prescribe ill, primarily cancer and palliative care patients. However, in 1995 the changes. Because Purdue, the pharmaceutical company, the Sacklers, is one of the largest marketing campaigns in US history starts. The promise: Twelve hours of Oxycontin effect, and because the impact of stopping so long, would not need people to miss, because there was no Kick. Oxycontin, confirmed at the time, even the American drug licensing authority, be less addiction to hazardous than other pain relievers.

Purdue-trained representatives, produced Videos, and paid Doctors, announce in their brochures that the risk of addiction is very low. Doctors flying to conferences in expensive Hotels, where you this promise, together with good earnings forecasts will be announced. The Doctors who participate in these conferences, to prescribe Oxycontin twice as often as any other, determined the company.

is The Addiction that often starts with the advice of a doctor.

The most dangerous drug epidemic in the United States has its origins not in the South American drug laboratories. The suffering often begins with the advice of a doctor, an Betticket advertising message of another, of a pharmaceutical company paid for doctor.

And Purdue claims with new, paid studies, Oxycontin was so harmless, that you could also apply it to larger and larger Patient groups. Because the American health care system is mainly in a brutal business model, pulling the pharmaceutical industry, Doctors do not prescribe it supposedly enough, in front of ethics committees.

sends During Purdue its representatives to the Doctors and say, the risk of addiction was less than one percent, an internal study long to the disturbing result that 13 percent of patients taking the drug for headaches revenue, were addictive.

In 2000, Purdue deserves to Oxycontin a billion dollars. Company boss Richard Sackler proclaimed: “There is no sign that it is slowing down.”

This also applies to the addiction epidemic, the it triggers. The reports on drug abuse are on the increase, first in rural regions. Hillbilly Heroin. Everything you do needs to grind the pills and snort. Or in liquid, dissolve, and inject. Thus, the time-delaying effect, and Oxycontin makes high like Heroin. In some areas pharmacies are raided, patients are selling their pills for a Dollar per milligram on the black market.

patients with withdrawal symptoms ask your doctor, and more of the material

But the Sacklers is the pills don’t take from the market, to warn of the risk of addiction. Instead of explaining your business, the only Problem is that some people would not take medication as it is prescribed. You know, from the beginning, in the case of Purdue that Oxycontin itself is the Problem. The first study with 90 women in Puerto Rico, had to get it after surgery, evidence that the pill for many patients, had just eight hours and not the stated twelve. Doctors report that their patients with withdrawal symptoms in the practices would be and more Oxycontin required. Some patients die after you have taken it for several months.

it is also clear that Oxycontin patients are doing in the Addiction, refuses to Purdue to admit that the drug poses great risks. In one of the strongholds of the epidemic, in Abingdon, Virginia, will soon be flooded prosecutors with drug-related offences. Keep track of the User, the Doctors, the carrying on a trade with the pills. Until you realize that you can reduce the watering place only when you approach the producers. You collect evidence that Purdue has systematically deceived the Doctors that the company lied to authorities, and studies have been falsified. You are working out charges, you can send in a Report to the Ministry of justice. But instead of pulling the responsible for the accountability agreement behind closed doors on the payment of 634 million dollars, because Purdue has not indicated the risk of addiction is sufficient.

A process against Purdue could be a turning point and an effective warning to the pharmaceutical industry. Instead, the S can acklers continue to do business.

A whole Generation of Dependent

in 2013, Purdue brings with it a slightly modified Version of Oxycontin onto the market. The pills not to be crushed now of powder, but to a rubber-like substance. The Younger the addict, which can be less easily Oxycontin prescribe and which it is too expensive, is now nothing else left than to look for the Kick in the black market drugs like Heroin.

this is The cruel Paradox of Oxycontin: It created addicts a Generation of pain pills. And the new formula forced the younger User away from the drug and resulted in a Generation of heroin addicts.