In the context of their annual “donations instead of Christmas cards”-action gives the kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg heuer 100,000 Makrobet to hospice and palliative care facilities in the Region.

Volunteer for each other – what does that mean, especially in the case of the volunteers in the hospice and palliative care. About 80,000 of them are in Germany, the tendency is rising. The volunteers accompany victims and families during the most difficult days of their lives, and act always in the interests of the patients entrusted to their care.

More than care

hospice and palliative work is very complex. The most famous aspect of the care and medical care of the critically ill and the Dying, in the relief of discomfort and pain is sure to be in the foreground. Equally important is the psychosocial support . Here it comes to take patients and their loved ones Fears, and to talk about the hardships and challenges that go along with the changed life situation. With your support, the facilities for hospice and palliative care allow patients and families a improving the quality of life .

health insurance companies do not cover actual costs

Because of the subsidy and the rates of the health insurance companies are not covering the actual cost of the facilities in need of additional donations . Of the donations, among other things, the costs for training the hospice companion and their operations. “The spread of the hospice concept, I think this is extremely important,” says Josef Bittscheidt, Chairman of the management Board of kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg. “With our action we want to set a sign and to the important work of these institutions.”

“donations instead of Christmas cards”-action helps for years

The savings Bank is donating for several years in the framework of its “donations instead of Christmas cards”-action to non-profit clubs and charitable purposes. This year, 26 institutions in the hospice were allowed to palliative care in the counties of Munich, Starnberg and Ebersberg about government grants in the amount of a total of 100,000 Euro offers.

Here you will find the kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg