Many would know about it preferably in the spring: How the chances for “a White Christmas this year”? Now there are concrete predictions.

Update 13. December, 16.07 PM: are The odds on a white Christmas in Germany, area way, not bad, explains Although the probability for the bulk of the Federal Republic of Germany is less than 20 percent, also in Munich, but there are exceptions. The highest snow probability of 90 percent, the area around the Brocken. Also for the city of Passau in lower Bavaria, the probability is projected on a white Christmas to 60 per cent. This correlates with the forecasts of the DWD. The forecast for the days before Christmas from Friday to Sunday (21.12.-23.12.) the density of clouds and the occasional rain shower is most of the time. To the East, snowfall is possible. In addition, with a stronger Wind calculation for -2 to +4 degrees, so the “10-day forecast for Germany” of the DWD.

2018 finally be a white Christmas? First weather experts forecast

Our article of 28. August 2018:

Munich – It’s like the gingerbread in September: Also there are already several months before the big Feast. And also, if you could do without it – just as it is with the question of “white Christmas”. Also many already in the end of the summer. There are 2018 finally snow on Christmas eve?

We have asked various forecasters for their views. In a all agree that For real before, it’s easy to tell too early. Only with the probabilities of statistical analysis or with the help of the old farmhouse rules, Mariobet you can take a look into the future, to ascertain a Trend. And also it should not be all taken.

chances of “white Christmas“: the Trend indicates that the mild Winter

So the US-American weather service NOAA predicts, for example, on the basis of the evaluation of years of weather data for a milder Winter than average. Accordingly, the temperatures in Germany could be about one to two degrees higher than normal.

Dominik Jung meteorologist of tells us on request: “the First climate trends point to a rather mild December.” For details, one could not say at this time but previously.

“White Christmas”: a Bavarian weather predicts a prophet on the basis of the weather candle

According to the Bavarian weather prophets Sepp Haslinger the chances of a white Christmas, at least in the free state of bad reports**. Haslinger is not a meteorologist, but his predictions on the basis of the inflorescence of small-flowered mullein (a medicinal plant that is also called the weather-candle) for his followers is essential. If you give him Faith or not: The upper, Bayer predicted the first snow of the year already for the end of October. A white Christmas are not in view, Haslinger. Rather, the chances were, in his view, good that the eggs instead of find search Easter in the snow.

you Believe the rules of the old farm, is expected to at least Winter is generally cold and long. As it is stated: “Is’s from Petri to Lorenzi (1. to 10. August) is hot, the Winter is long and white.“ Or: “The more Dominic (8. August) Stokes, the longer you will freeze in the Winter.“ August this year was unusually warm. Nationwide average temperatures, according to the DWD already up to 24. of the month to around four degrees above the Setpoint.
Whether or not the talks but also for snow at Christmas, tell the farmer not wisdom.

German weather service explains the relationships

There’s also the German weather service (DWD), each year, weeks before the 24. December receives numerous requests to the chances of a “White Christmas”, Andreas Friedrich, meteorologist at DWD, in a Video* more detail on the topic. There he informed about the background to the creation of the Christmas jam weather, explains the statistics, how often you can expect in different regions in Germany, with “White Christmas” and clarifies the date from which a first specific forecast for Christmas weather is scientifically possible.

weather service about a white Christmas: when a forecast is useful

predictions about the Chance of snow at the holidays are, according to Friedrich a maximum of ten days in advance. All of the prophecies to a previous time, or even now, are “scientific nonsense”, says the meteorologist. The climatologists of the DWD, however, have evaluated, what Chance is statistically in the whole of Germany, to experience three days of Christmas with snow. And it shows the following graphics:

+ the graph shows The probabilities of three “white” days of Christmas in the various regions of Germany.©DWD

The probabilities for “White Christmas” by region

the data of the weather station of the past 50 years were Evaluated. Below 10 percent, the probability is, therefore, to have all three Christmas days of snow, in the Rhineland and along the Rhine river between Frankfurt and Karlsruhe. Who can do without the snow, you should spend the holidays in Helgoland. There, the probability of “white Christmas,” just two percent, or in other words: Only every 50 years, there are on all three holidays a blanket of Snow. The further it goes to the South and East and with increasing altitude, the probability increases. In Munich, for example, will increase the chances of then to 40 per cent.

And if you want to spend Christmas eve and the holidays in the snow, has to drive to the Zugspitze. Because it is every year, with 100 percent probability snowed in.

Then we’ll stay but the weather forecast for the coming days: The weather forecasters fortunately know quite precisely: it is to the prospects.


*(note. d. Red.: even if the Video is from the year 2013, the meteorological relationships have their validity)

** is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.