Up The movement “” the Left party politician Sahra wagenknecht, has your Internet address changed. The background is a legal dispute.

Update from 15. December 2018: The movement “Up” the Left party politician Sahra wagenknecht, has your Internet address changed. “The website of Stand up is provisional only under http://aufstehenbewegung.de to,” wrote Wagenknecht on Saturday afternoon on Twitter. On this site it means the statement: “the Background a legal battle with a company that is trying to damage the still-young collection movement.” First, the “image” reported.

Specifically, there is a conflict with two of the initiators of the movement. They had worked in the start-up phase on a volunteer basis as all other initiators for “Stand up”, among other things, for the Online presence. “In hindsight, you have to get Up, presented to a high bill”, is available on the new website. Also, the original e-mail addresses of the movement were according to the communication, is capable of. The original Internet address of the movement is www.aufstehen.de.

“We are speechless”

A co-founder of the company, Thomas Schmidt, rejected the “image” according to the allegations: “We are speechless about the fact that Three of the movement is placed in the corner of the unfair and greedy entrepreneur, although all the decision makers of the movement, three factory with all benefits entered as agreed in advance and paid for now.“ The collaboration announced three plant on the 21. November, always put deadlines new payment, Schmidt said loudly, “image”: “Without success. The bills were not paid.“ The German press Agency could not reach Three on Saturday evening.

“get Up,” was founded in the summer of. Wagenknecht, the movement had around 167 000 supporters.

“Up”: Petry wagenknecht to help

Munich – In an Interview with the editorial network Germany, Petry explained, the Parallels between her and Wagenknecht were obvious.

“So as I until 2017 at the Cologne Congress tried to lead the AfD on a constructive course and for my real political course promoted, Sahra wagenknecht your Position for the controlled Migration of the majority of the Left is defending,” said Petry. If Wagenknecht seriously, she must establish quickly a new party. “May the courage or the organizational experience of missing her. We show just how it can work.“

also read: “Stand up”: Wagenknecht gets amazing praise from AfD-man Gauland

+ Sahra wagenknecht©dpa / Bernd von Jutr czenka

“left-to-Right scheme in disarray”

in order for Petry to her and her husband, Marcus Pretzell, launched the “blue party”, the will participate in the coming year, in Saxony, for the first time in an election. It remained unclear however, how exactly to understand Petrys support. In the Interview, the in the Bundestag, as a group, loose MP seat says at the end of Petry, too, that the “old left-Right scheme was in disarray”. “Petry and Wagenknecht could back the from different sides.”

Up to Tuesday night there was no reaction from Wagenknecht. You registered interested for the recently initiated collection of the move “get Up,” according to information so far, tens of thousands.

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