What would happen if humanity disappeared and what would be the consequences in year one? An expert from Iowa State University gave his astonishing conclusions.

The apocalyptic series have had the wind in their sails in recent years. Far from Hollywood or the different scenarios offered by television and streaming platforms, researchers and specialists have really looked into the question of the future of the world if the human species were to suddenly disappear. The impact of man on his environment is well known, but what if it stopped overnight and if the planet were only populated by other species?

The environment would be profoundly modified according to Carlton Basmajian, professor at the American University of Iowa State, and interviewed by the site The Conversation. A visitor propelled into this post-apocalyptic world would be gripped from the first second by the silence that would reign there. “We would realize how noisy we humans are. Our buildings are noisy. Our cars are too. Even the sky is (with airplanes, editor’s note). All that noise would stop.” Visually too, the visitor would be surprised by bluer skies and cleaner air. “It would be, in part, because wind and rain would help clean the Earth’s surface.”

What about our interiors? No brutal collapse in perspective but a slow wear and tear like our roads and bridges. Obviously, there is no question of running tap water at home. In the absence of maintenance, the running water and electricity networks would no longer work. Dust would also accumulate very quickly, as would weeds outside.

“Many plants that you have never seen before would take root in the garden because there would be no one to stop them.” Plants domesticated for our food would gradually wither away. “There would be no more corn, potatoes or tomatoes,” laments the expert. Insects would have a good life without humans, treatments, and insecticides.

Mice and wild animals would also have more possibilities. In North America, the researcher ensures that the deer, the coyote, the bear but also the foxes or beavers could swarm and conquer new territories. They could gradually invade our cities, and endanger our pets, left to fend for themselves. “Cats would go feral, though many would end up being preyed upon by larger animals. Most dogs wouldn’t survive either,” he said.

Do we end on a positive note? The absence of man would not only be welcome for the environment according to our expert who points out an advantage to his presence. “Fires would occur more frequently and, what is worse, would only go out on their own.”