Hiromi Rollin in turn filed a complaint against the children of Alain Delon this Friday, July 28, 2023 for violence, theft and slanderous denunciation.

[Updated July 28, 2023 at 6:01 p.m.] The Delon affair is experiencing a new twist this Friday, July 28, 2023. Targeted by two complaints from the actor’s children, Hiromi Rollin counterattacks. She in turn filed a complaint against Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon for “violence, theft and slanderous denunciation” this Friday, July 28, 2023.

According to Le Parisien, Hiromi Rollin accuses them in particular of having been expelled from the home of Alain Delon in Douchy, on July 5, and of having been prevented from returning by security agents when she tried to climb the gates to retrieve his belongings. She claims to have “suffered violence from the security guards to whom [the Delon children] had given orders”. Hiromi Rollin also says that most of her belongings are still in Douchy, which explains why she is filing a complaint for theft. She claims to have an “intimate and loving relationship since 1989” with the actor (thus before the births of Anouchka and Alain-Fabien), living with him in Douchy since 2006, while Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon assure that she’s just a “lady-in-waiting”.

This new adventure comes in the context of two complaints filed by the children of Alain Delon on July 5: the first for moral harassment and misappropriation of correspondence, to which the actor would have joined. The second, filed only by the eldest son, Anthony Delon, for intentional violence and sequestration of a vulnerable person, abuse of weakness and violence on animals. Hiromi Rollin “contests all of the facts alleged against her”.

While Alain Delon’s children had considered filing a complaint a third time for fraud, they finally gave up on Thursday, July 27. There would thus be suspicious transfers, of several tens of thousands of euros according to the actor’s children’s lawyer. For her part, Hiromi Rollin claims to have only made current expenses “in the interest of their household” when she used the actor’s means of payment. She also denies all the accusations against her, claiming in particular that the accusations of dog abuse or the misappropriation of correspondents were “invented by the Delon children in order to justify her expulsion and her exclusion from their father’s life.

Since July 5, 2023, Hiromi Rollin (qualified as the actor’s “companion lady” according to her family, she herself claims to be his “companion”) has been the subject of two complaints filed by the children of Alain Delon. The first, filed by Anthony, Alain-Fabien and Anouchka Delon, for “moral harassment” and “misappropriation of correspondence”, which the 87-year-old actor joined. A second complaint was filed solely by the actor’s eldest son, Anthony Delon, for acts of “willful violence and sequestration of a vulnerable person”, “abuse of weakness” and “violence on animals”. The research section of Orléans and the research brigade of Montargis were in charge of the investigation. Hiromi Rollin disputes the charges against her and returns the charges against the plaintiffs. On July 26, 2023, a search took place at the home of the 87-year-old actor’s “lady companion” in Suresnes, before she was questioned. She emerged free from this interrogation and in turn filed a complaint against the children of Alain Delon for “violence in meetings”, “theft” and “slanderous denunciation”.

But who is Hiromi Rollin really? According to information from BFM TV, Alain Delon would have met this “assistant” in the 1990s, when she was working as an assistant on the film Le retour de Casanova. They met again in 2003, on the set of the Frank Riva series.

According to Me Christophe Ayela, who spoke as soon as the complaint was filed, this 60-year-old Japanese woman would share the daily life of the legend of French cinema, in her residence in Douchy, in Loiret, since her stroke in 2019. Anthony Delon clarified on the BFMTV set on Thursday July 6 that the woman was an employee of the actor “until four, five years ago”. “”She was his assistant, she was the manager of Douchy […] Then little by little, she took this place of lady companion”.

In a documentary on the actor broadcast in 2021 on TV5 Monde, Alain Delon himself presented the “lady-in-waiting” as his “Japanese companion, Hiromi”. A woman who, according to him, had been “very present by [his] side throughout [his] recovery”, following his stroke. His son Anthony Delon wanted to clarify the situation with BFM TV: “There are recordings that prove the opposite,” he says. To avoid loneliness, Alain Delon would have been “resigned” for a few years to the company of this “medical assistant” unknown, can we read in a press release from Anthony Delon. Over the years, the employee who “knew the mechanism well here in the countryside […] took this place of companion”, adds the eldest of the siblings.

The couple had still been observed in may 2023, at the preview of a film by Alain-Fabien Delon. A photograph showing Alain Delon and Hiromi smiling, alongside the young 29-year-old actor, was taken for the occasion by a cinema in Château-Renard, in Loiret, before being shared on social networks.

Hiromi Rollin was kicked out of Alain Delon’s residence in Douchy at the end of June, reports AFP. “The situation in two years has taken on such proportions that my father himself finally asked on June 27 in writing that Ms. Hiromi Rollin leave her residence definitively,” said Anthony Delon in a press release. According to information from AFP, this “forced eviction” which occurred on July 5 turned out to be tough since Hiromi Rollin was taken to hospital and was then issued with a temporary incapacity for work of 5 days. She announced that she was filing a complaint for the “aggravated willful violence suffered on July 5” against certain members of the Delon family and the actor’s bodyguards.

Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon’s complaint for “moral harassment” was accompanied by a press release from their lawyer, Me Christophe Ayela. According to him, Hiromi Rollin would have shown herself over the months “more and more aggressive, denigrating and abusive towards him, and towards his children”, trying “to isolate Alain Delon from his relatives, his friends , and his family, using maneuvers and threats”. The siblings’ lawyer adds that the actor’s “companion” has “been increasingly aggressive, denigrating and abusive” against him since his stroke in 2019.

“She systematically controls his telephone conversations and his private messages. She answers in his place, pretending to be him, she tries to intercept his postal mail. She prevents his children from coming to see him regularly, as they have nevertheless always done”, listed Me Christophe Ayela.

Anthony Delon also indicated that he had added to the collective complaint for “moral harassment” a second complaint for “willful violence on a vulnerable person”, “abuse of weakness”, “sequestration on a vulnerable person” and “violence on an animal”, the Alain Delon’s dog having been, according to him, the target of acts of mistreatment.

Anthony Delon says he has listed “for a year and a half” many facts to support the procedure. An argument with Hiromi Rollin at an Alain Delon birthday party in early 2022 was, according to him, a trigger. Hiromi Rollin and eldest child Delon were at odds over a fall, requiring stitches and hospitalization. Anthony Delon claims that the actor’s partner did not notify any of his children until the next day, despite the risk that such a fall represented for his father. “At that precise moment, I became aware of an abnormal situation which was going, I was convinced, to deteriorate over time”, he writes.

Le Parisien details in more detail the facts that could have occurred in the Douchy residence. Anouchka Delon, the actor’s daughter, claims to have been insulted by Hiromi Rollin, who allegedly forbade her to go to her father’s home. Alain Delon’s children also think that she would have deleted their messages to their father and those of her friends, and that she would have cut all the connections from her phone. They also think, according to Le Parisien, that their father’s dog would be mistreated by the “lady-in-waiting”. They accuse him of having kicked or tasered the animal, and of having considered euthanizing it.

On July 11, 2023, Hiromi Rollin had decided to counterattack after the complaint of the children of Alain Delon. First, she “contests all of the facts with which she is charged”, assures her lawyer, Me Yassine Bouzrou, in a press release. She had also announced her desire to file a complaint against the members of the Delon family and against her bodyguards for “aggravated willful violence”, “ascertained by a medical certificate”. These would have occurred on July 5, 2023, during his expulsion from the Douchy residence where Alain Delon lives.

In a 39-page note transmitted by the lawyer of the one who considers herself the “companion” of the actor to the public prosecutor of Montargis and revealed by Le Parisien, she also returns the accusations against the complainants. According to her, Alain Delon’s children would never have accepted the relationship she had with their father. She does not hesitate to denounce the pecuniary interest they would have in implicating her “in order to avoid that she can one day receive a financial advantage from Mr. Delon”, according to Mr. Yassine Bouzrou.

Hiromi Rollin also insists on the fact that she has always been present for the sacred monster of cinema in recent years, stressing in passing that this is far from being the case for her children, “who did not ensure the daily life of their aging father. Finally, the vulnerability of Alain Delon seems to be at the heart of the debate. Hiromi Rollin indeed wonders about the very principle of the actor’s children’s approach, yet at this stage under no measure of judicial protection.